[event]Official Duel Cup — Land Series — “Quad Dragon” Powerd by Blueberry

mori | DJT
MCH | My Crypto Heroes
7 min readJun 23, 2020

We host the official duel cup “Quad Dragon” — Land Series — from June 26th powered by “Blueberry”

Official Duel Cup Land Series “Quad Dragon” Powerd by “Blueberry”

  • “Duel Cup Land Series” is the new duel cup series which will be hosted by each Land with MCH team.
  • The winners can get the Land extensions which you can get in the current node of the host-Land as the rewards.
  • We contribute 50% of the consumption CE to the host country.
  • You can enter one duel from five duel cups, “Red Dragon” ”Blue Dragon” “Baby Dragon” “Dragon Egg” “Challenge Cup”.
  • “Red Dragon” and “Blue Dragon” are only for Prime.


Competition for the Duel Point.
*Main tournament: No
*Super Oni time: Yes

Pre-entry term

It will be announced later.


June 26th, 3:00 am ~ June 28th 12:00 am (UTC)

The reset time of Attack Count:2:00 pm(UTC)

[for Legendary class] — only for Prime

Available Heroes and Extensions

Heroes : Legendary / Epic
Original Extensions: Legendary / Epic
Replica Extensions: All

“Red Dragon”(for the rank of 1, 2, 3, 4–10, 111, 777)

Rewards:Original Extensions “Drum” Series.
1st–3rd:Legendary & right to participate in King Dragon
4th–8th: Epic

Winners Point:yes

[for Epic class] — Only for Prime

Available Heroes and Extensions

Heroes : Epic / Rare / Uncommon / Common
Original Extensions: Epic / Rare / Uncommon / Common
Replica Extensions: All

“Blue Dragon”(for the rank of 1, 2, 3, 4–10, 111, 777)

Rewards:Original Extensions “Drum” Series.
4th–8th: Rare

QUEEN DRAGON participation right:yes

Winners Point:yes

[for Rare class]

Available Heroes and Extensions

Heroes : Rare / Uncommon / Common
Original Extensions: Rare / Uncommon / Common
Replica Extensions: All

“Baby Dragon”(for the rank of 1, 2, 3, 4–10, 111, 777)

Rewards:Original Extensions “Drum” Series.

PRINCE DRAGON participation right:yes

Winners Point:yes

[for Uncommon class]

Available Heroes and Extensions

Heroes :Uncommon / Common
Original Extensions: Uncommon / Common
Replica Extensions: All

“Dragon Egg”(for the rank of 1, 2, 3, 4–10, 111, 777)

Rewards:Original Extensions “Drum” Series.

PRINCESS DRAGON participation right:yes

Winners Point:yes

【for Common class】Challenge Cup

Available Heroes and Extensions

Heroes : Common / RepD
Original Extensions: Common
Replica Extensions: All


Rewards:Original Extensions “Drum” Series.

Winners Point:yes

Entry for the Duel Cup

  • You can enter the Official Duel Cup / Land Duel Cup from the banner in the “Duel Cup” in the “Battle” tab.
  • You need to edit the team which clears the regulation.
    *You can import the team from Duel Template.
  • You can edit the extensions after finishing to entry.
    *You can’t use replica extensions which are expired.
    When the Replica hero which is edited in your team is expired, you can’t try to battle. Please change the hero to the other original hero or replica hero which is not expired.
  • In this term, your Duel Point is fluctuated depending on winning or losing. At last, your rank will be determined by your Duel Point.
  • There is no subtraction of Duel Point in this Duel cup


  • We proclaim to use multiple-account to control your rank. If we find the user to do this, we will deal with the user strictly like account-ban, stripping of Trophy and Winners Point.

Initial CE consumption

We’re aiming for getting WP with no attacks. Before, some users could get some WP by only entering. From this time, you have to consume CE when you enter.

CE fluctuating logic.

As said, we implement CE fluctuating when you attack.
Like hero sale, when users attack, CE you need to attack increases. As time passed, CE you need to attack decreases.

The initial number is from attack history on the last Duel Cup.

We will adjust CE logic you need to attack. We’re planning to value up of CE.
Finally, we want to decide how many CE you need from the ecosystem automatically.

・Minimum:Initial or 60% of Max CE rate.

・How to decrease:decrease about 20% of Max CE rate per one hour.

・How to increase:When someone attacks, 0.5% of the current CE rate increases.

*These numbers are different from each regulation.

*When you tap the battle but someone attacked before you, you need to confirm how many CE you need to attack again after increasing CE rate.

When the attack count is renewed.

  • You can battle ten times a day.
  • The battle will start when you select the other player and tap the battle.
  • You consume CE from CE barrel every time when you battle.
  • Regardless of your attack count, the attack count will be reset to 0 as the below schedule.

■Reset Timing 2:00 pm (UTC)
*You can’t bring your rest attack count to the next Day.

  • You can’t attack in one minute after the last attack.

Duel Point

  • You start with 300 Duel Points.
  • Duel Point is the score which is fluctuated by the battle result.
  • Duel Point fluctuates when you attack the other players. (When you’re attacked, Duel Point won’t fluctuate.)

This time, the following table was obtained by the discussion with Rand King.

You can’t attack who you have already won in the same DAY.

*When you lose, you can try to attack again.

Super ONI time

We set special rules for the last 30 minutes of the Official Duel Cup.

(1) It will take 10 mins as a cool down to challenge after the match. (So you can only fight at most 3 times in the last 30 mins)

(2) You can’t see other players match history.

(3) The ranking display is updated only once every 5 minutes.

(4) The decrease of Duel Point will be twice than usual when you lose.
This time, there is no effect because the defeat is 0 Duel Point.

- The display of “Rank” and “Duel Point” will be fixed for both you and your opponent during each 5 minutes. “Record” and “History” are only updated as a result of your attack.

- The duel point difference with the opponent is calculated based on the fixed displayed point. (In other words, during the 5 minutes, the battle is always the same point)

- Every 5 minutes, all battle results performed during that time will be totaled and the display will be updated.


  • The ranking is fluctuating in real-time.

Battle result

  • It will be time-up when the battle reaches 200 rounds.
  • When your battle will be time-up without determining which wins,
    “The player who adds more damages ” will win.
    *If it is the same, the Defense side will win.
  • If both teams are dead in the same round (200 round) because of like “Poison”, Defense side will win.

When you and the other player are the same rank…

  • The player who adds more total-damage in the Duel Cup will be higher rank.
    ※We don’t count the Defense Battle.
  • If the Duel Points and total-damage are the same, who takes less total-damage in the Duel Cup will be higher rank.
    If this is the same, they are dealt with as the same rank.
    *So, there is a possibility that we will distribute more amount of rewards than we expected.
    *About rank 111 and 777 trophies, we won’t distribute the same trophies if there are two or more players on the same rank.

Winners Point

  • Please check how many Winners Points you can get in game information.
  • You can get the right to participate to King Dragon or WP Node when you have Winners Points.

Recommend application

・MCH App

※You can play MCH on the other wallet.
※We recommend the wallet which is cleared the below requirements.
1) Clear Web3 cash by the user.
2) Don’t update in the Duel term.

How to watch the other game

You can watch the battle of the other player from the “Battle Result” in History.

There is a possibility that the content in the article will be changed.

My Crypto Heroes

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