[Announcement] New Management Structure: ver 2.0
Hi everyone. Thank you for your support.
“MCH Co., Ltd.” was established to make a full commitment to MCH Coin(MCHC) and its related businesses.
MCH Co., Ltd. is now updating its management structure as “ver. 2.0” to further expand the world of My Crypto Heroes.
The market environment surrounding blockchain game industry has changed drastically since the NFT boom that started by NBA Top Shot.
As of the second half of 2021, with the slowdown of the NFT art boom, “utility” that provide liquidity to NFTs gets to be more important.
As shown by the dramatic rise of Axie Infinity and its related tokens (NFT/AXS/SLP), the utility of being “usable in games” has brought increased attention to the blockchain gaming industry.
As user community and producer said in Road-map, we, MCH Co., Ltd will aim for creating the blockchain game that is 1) The best case of NFT and Game 2) with Sustainable Ecosystem , and 3) World’s №1 blockchain game generated by user community.
Business Objective
MCH Co.,Ltd will aim to be world’ №1 blockchain game.
We’re excited to realize that with MCHC, MCH NFTs(Hero, Extension, and Land), and user community. I hope you’ll support us to value up NFTs and MCHC and also to enjoy wholly new experience with blockchain game.
Please let me announce the change of the management structure.
New Members
Two new man will join MCH Co., Ltd.
MCH Co.,Ltd. Director Kengo Masuyama
March 2019: Graduated from Keio university
July 2019: Joined double jump.tokyo Inc. Marketer, My Crypto Heroes Team.
April 2020: Appointed Producer of My Crypto Heroes.
February 2021: Appointed General Producer of MCH+ and Producer of BRAVE FRONTIER HEROES.
I worked in My Crypto Heroes as Producer until September 2020. I’m really honored that I can commit to My Crypto Heroes again. To realize the user-generated blockchain game with user community, I will do my best effort.
MCH Co.,Ltd. Advisor Michael Arnold
February 2019: Joined double jump.tokyo Inc. as a frontend engineer and international community support for the MyCryptoHeroes Team.
February 2020: Frontend lead to build prototypes at MyCryptoSaga, including NFT ecosystem design support .
December 2021: Rejoined the MyCryptoHeroes team while advising and contributing to overseas projects like Yield Guild Games and blackpool.finance to grow understanding of DAOs and DeFi.
As a long-term team member of MyCryptoHeroes, I am very honored to support the game into its next evolution. I’m excited to advise the core team on overseas trends around NFTs, DeFi and DAOs so that MyCryptoHeroes will become a leading blockchain game again.
Please see below about the establishing MCH Co., Ltd.
To Community
Hi MCH world’s community.
We’re excited to announce renew the management system this time.
We will aim for making My Crypto Heroes world’s №1 blockchain game again. To achieve that we will speed up our development.
MCH is always supported by user community by 1) game event sponsored by Land and 2) user Producer elected by MCHC holders.
We will continue to work on improving the value of NFT and MCHC, while creating a “DAO blockchain game community” that is unique to blockchain games.
With your continued support, we look forward to working with you to meet the challenge of our blockchain game!
Thank you for your support.
My Crypto Heroes
website : https://www.mycryptoheroes.net/
discord : https://discord.gg/C66hByB
twitter(JP) : @mycryptoheroes
twitter(EN) : @mycryptoheroes_