[announcement] Change rules of the order of “Flag battle”

MCH | My Crypto Heroes
2 min readMay 15, 2019

We will make the following rule changes regarding the execution order of “Flag battle”.

Match Schedule Lottery

[Before change]

Randomly decided during the “match schedule lottery” period of “Flag battle” DAY1.

[After change]

Randomly decided during the “grouping” period of “Knight battle 5” DAY1. (Only the attacking side’s schedule will be displayed. The designation of opponents for each land is still possible until the start of “Knight Battle-G5”)

Date & Time
Land Battle-Season 3 “Knight Battle 5” DAY 1 “Grouping” Period
MAY 18th (Sat) 0:00 to 3:00

In addition, the following description has been added to the official Medium.

[Before add]

  • When you win twice to the same Land in a row, you can deprive of a Flag that enemy has.
    — Two consecutive wins are counted beyond the season.
    — In the case of the flag game “draw” or “lose”, the two consecutive win count is reset. (Mar.28th add)

[After add]

  • When you win twice to the same Land in a row, you can deprive of a Flag that enemy has.

    — Flag battle will be held in the order determined by lottery in advance. (May 15th add)
    — The move of the land flag by 2 consecutive wins will be done immediately after each Flag battle. (May 15th add)
    — In the case of the flag game “draw” or “lose”, the two consecutive win count is reset.
    — Win count is also reset if you capture the opponent’s flag. (May 15th add)
    — If the opponent does not have the flag, the move of the flag does not occur even if two consecutive wins. In that case, the next win will be treated as two consecutive wins. (May 15th add)
    — Two consecutive wins are counted beyond the season.

