[announcement]Game System Ver.1.4 (June 7th updated)

MCH | My Crypto Heroes
4 min readMay 29, 2019

(June 2nd updated)
In order to verify the impact of the specification changes, the following will be excluded from the June 3rd update:

The company changed the allocation of 50% of GUM, a fee for selling replica extensions, from “place of production” to “LAND to which you belong”.

Thank you for always playing MCH.

To optimize the MCH ecosystem, we update the node and game system to Ver.1.4.

The intent of “Game system ver.1.4”

Blockchain games will become popular in 2019 (mainly from Japan). It is clear that it’s going to explode around the world in 2020.

MCH aims to be loved around the world as the first full-fledged blockchain game to incorporate ecosystem concepts into games.

This means that the MCH must be prepared for large user growth.

The ecosystem is the core of MCH. Without a healthy ecosystem, MCH will not evolve.

We expect the number of “Farmer” to increase as more and more new users join in MCH ecosystem.

In the current state of the ecosystem, CE inflation could accelerate and the ecosystem faces a severe situation.

As many users have pointed out, the down of lab CE/GUM rates has a negative impact on all users (especially a beginner).

This time around, we decided to revolutionize the ecosystem from the core, centering on CE, which is the main cause of this.

We appreciate your understanding for the future of MCH.


(1) node ver.1.4

(Update Date : June 3rd)

  • 4 New series extensions.
  • The Lv 60 node is dedicated to the MCH prime.
  • Change the GUM cost for continuity according to the node level.
  • Changed the rule that a hero and extensions with it whose HP was 0 when the node was cleared do not grant CE
  • The CE amount is changed according to the level of the node and the level difference of the hero/extension (For high level heroes/extensions, if you clear low level nodes, you get fewer CE’s.).
  • Set node re-balance date (June 19th & July 10th planned).

*See below for details.

(2) Lab Rule Changes

(Update Date: June 3rd)

  • Add the rule that CE accumulated in the lab evaporates over time.

Why : To optimize the ecosystem.

  • The company changed the allocation of 50% of GUM, a fee for selling replica extensions, from “place of production” to “LAND to which you belong”. (June 2nd add : In order to verify the effect of the specification change, it will be excluded from the update items on June 3.)

Why : To improve performance when selling replica extensions.

(3) Replica Hero/Replica Extension Rule Changes

(Update Date : June 3rd)

Replica Heroes

[Before change] It will become Level 1, after 1 week from the date of receipt.[After change] It will become Level 1, after 1 week from you first set it up on your team.

Why : To improve convenience.

Replica Extensions

[Before change] No parameter change.
[After change] All parameters become 0, after 1 week from you first set it up on your team.

Why : To save the value of your original extensions.

※You can sell your Rep. extensions which parameters have become 0 to lab at the same value of new ones.

(4) Official Duel Cup Rule Changes

(Update Date : June 13th)

  • Abolition of CE grant

Why : To optimize the ecosystem.

  • Elimination of the difference in the amount of consumption of Hero Stamina due to rank differences. Fixed with the followings:

Red Dragon : 40
Blue Dragon : 30
Baby Dragon : 10
Dragon Egg : 5

Eliminates the situation where the stamina consumption decreases if you attack later.
Also, to reduce the problem of battle concentration before the attack count reset time.

(5) CE absorb function of the original extension

(Update period : June 7th)

  • This function allows that CE of your original extension will be absorbed to your other original extensions.
  • 70% of the CE in the Extension will be absorbed to your extension which you select and 30% will be absorbed to the Land Cryptid which you belong. (If you don’t belong to any land, it will be burned)
    ※If the selected extension becomes max level, the surplus will be absorbed to your cryptid or burned.
  • Your extension which was absorbed its CE will be burned.

Why : To keep the duel environment fresh. Because of the new rule of distribution of CE from node quest, it is considered that it takes longer time to level up your asset than it used to. This allows you to level them up faster.

Also, we expect this will increase the demand for (lower rarity) original extensions in market.

We are running a special campaign for MCH Prime. See below for details.

— — — —

My Crypto Heroes

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