[announcement] Land Battle | season4

mori | DJT
MCH | My Crypto Heroes
3 min readMay 24, 2019

We will inform you of “Land Battle | Season 4”.

Change Regulation
Hero Rarity Cost-U13 (HRC-U13)


[Preparation period] UTC 0:00 May 27th — UTC 0:00 June 3rd

[Knight Battle 1] UTC 0:00 June 3rd— UTC 0:00 June 6th
[Knight Battle 2] UTC 0:00 June 6th — UTC 0:00 June 9th
[Knight Battle 3] UTC 0:00 June 9th — UTC 0:00 June12th
[Knight Battle 4] UTC 0:00 June 12th — UTC 0:00 June 15th
[Knight Battle 5] UTC 0:00 June 15th — UTC 0:00 June18th
[Knight Battle-G5] UTC 0:00 June 18th— UTC 0:00 June 21st

Knight Battle DAY1–3 schedule

[Flag Battle] UTC 0:00 June 21th — UTC 0:00 June 24th

Flag Battle DAY1–3 schedule

Regulation of Land Battle — season4

  • Hero Rarity Cost-U13 (HRC-U13)

Hero Rarity Cost

“Hero Realty Cost” has been set for the rarealities “Novice”, “common”, “Uncomon”, “Rare”, “Epic” and “Legendary” of heroes. For this land battle, the team needs to be organized so that the sum of the team’s hero costs falls within the specified value.

※Replica heroes have similar costs.

The designated heating capacity cost for the season 4 of Land Battle will be “Hero Rarity Cost-Under 13”.

As for the regulation of land battle, which we have been considering, we decided not to introduce it because of concerns about system complexity due to level changes during the period. Thank you for your understanding.
(※ 5/24 add)

Knight of Silver

— Team hero total level: within 250

Knight of Chrome

— Team extension total level: Within 500

— — — —

*The content of announcement is subject to change.

My Crypto Heroes

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