[Announcement] Extension Art Competition July 2023!

Toshihito Wakao
MCH | My Crypto Heroes
4 min readJul 15, 2023


We are looking for art for new extensions that will be added in the future as new recipes!!

Engrave your art into MCH World!!

August 31st : Application deadline(*)
Sept 3rd : Team finalize all the applicants & user voting begins (**)
Sept 10th : Voting closes & a reward (2,500 OAS) is given to the winner.

* Please submit 5 types of Extensions (Common~Legendary (any theme)) in Discord for the final application.

** ** Scheduled to be adopted by team (multiple types) and by user vote (1 type)


The decision flow for each extension this time is as follows :

1. The artist is free to apply for completed pixel art images of 1 extension with 5 rarities.

  • Applications for multiple extension by one person are also welcome!
  • At this point, there is a certain degree of review by the team and development side. Submissions that violate public order and morals, infringe on copyright, or that are very similar to existing series or other submissions will be rejected. We do not intend to set up a strict examination for quality, etc.

2. The management team decides which works will be selected.

Multiple types of entries will be selected at the discretion of the management team. The number of entries has not yet been determined and will depend on the entries.

Quality and originality will be evaluated here.

3. By voting, one series extension with the most votes by users will be adopted.

One additional series selected by the users will be selected from among the entries other than those adopted by the management team.

* There is a possibility that multiple works by the same artist will be selected and artist will receive multiple prizes.

4. The following rewards will be given to the adopted art artists.

  • 2,500 OAS (granted per work)

In addition, even if your work is not adopted this time, it is possible to be nominated again when the next art competition is held.

Handling of Adopted Works

It is treated as an image of MyCryptoHeroes extension NFT.

By submitting your entry, you agree to grant MCH permission to use the copyright of your work.

Since the copyright is not transferred, the author’s copyright is not lost.

However, if you create an NFT, please design it in such a way that it will not be misidentified as the MyCryptoHeroes extension series, or give it an original logo. (If you inform the management team via discord, etc., we will give you a brief advice.)

In addition, recipes for new extensions are added irregularly, so we cannot promise when they will appear.

In the future, we plan to solicit multiple slots for new extension art by holding similar competitions.

About recruitment

Participation with multiple people as a team is also very welcome, such as sharing the rough and pixel art, sharing the 5 types of the series.

In that case, please clearly inform the management team of only one representative in relation to rewards. We will give a reward to that person, so please separately ask about distribution within the team.

First of all, I would like to understand the expected number of entries and share it so that there is no duplication of motifs with others.
Regardless of whether it can be completed and submitted, if you are interested, please contact us on the appropriate channel on the official Discord of MCH. Subsequent communications will also be sent to the Discord representation account.

🔽Click here to express your participation.

Requirement needed for 5 sets of extensions from Common〜Legendary

  • 64 x 64 pixel
  • Full color
  • png format
  • transparent background
  • Optional : Extension rarity and name (Final decision will be made by the management team, but we will use it as a reference if you submit it.)

You can also submit 5 series that fit in 64x64 as one image.


Here is a memorandum from our designer, NOUGUCHI, on the extension design, for your reference!


There is no particular theme this time, it’s free! Any motif is fine.

I will post the example image of the best possible image of the game managing director for reference.

  • There are also fantastic creations! It doesn’t need to have a definite motif.
  • Items similar to the existing extension series may be excluded, but it is possible to arrange the blade significantly.

We hope to receive submissions from all of our user artist for this wonderful work that fits into the MCH World!

It is possible to apply for multiple series, so please do not hesitate to contact us!

※There is a possibility that the content will be changed.

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The time, money, and passion you spent on games will become your assets.

