[beta battle]バトルの進行ルール / Rules of Beta Battle

Gura |MCH
MCH | My Crypto Heroes
7 min readSep 30, 2018

<English Follows>











(発動ヒーローのPHY * ◯◯%) - (対象ヒーローのPHY/2)

*(対象ヒーローのPHY/2)によるダメージ量の減算は、(発動ヒーローのPHY*◯◯%)の最大40%まで。(最低ダメージ量は(発動ヒーローのPHY * ◯◯%)の60%のダメージになります)


(発動ヒーローのINT * ◯◯%) — (対象ヒーローのINT/2)

*(対象ヒーローのINT/2)によるダメージ量の減算は、(発動ヒーローのINY*◯◯%)の最大40%まで。(最低ダメージ量は(発動ヒーローのINT * ◯◯%)の60%のダメージになります)


発動ヒーローのINT * ◯◯%


(発動ヒーローのINT + 対象ヒーローのPHY)/2 * ◯◯%





Progress rule of MCH battle beta

(1) Increase in total action value (determination of hero’s action sequence)

All hero participating in the battle will increase the action value at the same time.
When the sum of the action values ​​of any hero becomes 1000 or more, we move on to (2).

* Action value = 100 + AGI
* The higher the AGI is, the faster the frequency of the action order comes up.
* At the same time, when the total of the action values ​​becomes 1000 or more, ActiveSkill of the hero whose total action value is higher is activated first.
* If they are the same at the same time, ActiveSkill will be activated in order of friendly team row order → enemy team column order.

(2) Activate ActiveSkill

After resetting the total action value of the action hero and setting it to 0, the effect of ActiveSkill is processed.

* At this time, the other heroes with total action value of 1000 or more will inherit their action value until the next action order decision. The same is true for heroes less than 1000.

(3) Activation of PassiveSkill

If there is a PassiveSkill that satisfies the triggering condition, the effect of PassiveSkill is processed. If PassiveSkill that satisfies the invoking condition has been processed or there is no PassiveSkill that satisfies the triggering condition, return to (1) and decide what hero to act next.

Calculation formula for “◯◯% PHY damage”

Damage amount =
(Activated hero’s PHY * ◯◯%) — (target hero’s PHY / 2)

* Subtraction of damage amount by (target hero’s PHY / 2) is up to 40% of (activation hero’s PHY * ◯◯%). (The minimum damage amount is 60% of (activation hero’s PHY * ◯◯%))

Calculation formula of “INT’s ◯◯% damage”

Damage amount =
(Activated hero’s INT* ◯◯%) — (target hero’s INT / 2)

* Subtraction of damage amount by (target hero’s INT / 2) is up to 40% of (Activated hero’s INT* ◯◯%). (The minimum damage amount is 60% of the damage of (Activated hero’s INT* ◯◯%))

Calculation formula of ”◯◯% INT increase”

Status up / down value =
Activated hero’s INT * ◯◯%

Calculation formula for recovery effect

Recovery amount =
(Activated hero’s INT + Target hero’s PHY) / 2 * ◯◯%

Confusion effect

Impact with probability of 30% * (Activated hero’s INT / Target hero’s INT)
All ActiveSkills in the confused state are as follows.

It releases the confusion state with the probability of 50% at the time of Active, when using it, uses the set Active skill. If it can not be canceled, 100% of the PHY’s damage to the random target (including enemy and ally)

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