[announcement] EMA issues

MCH | My Crypto Heroes
1 min readAug 19, 2019

We report the details of the EMA issue that was confirmed and corrected on August 17th.


  • Those who had made EMA dedication after UTC 4:05 on April 2 had an invalid EMA effect, including EMAs devoted to the past. (468 people)
  • People who had dedicated the EMA only before UTC 4:05 on April 2 had no problem with the EMA effect. (81 people)


  • Due to updating another part on April 2, the source for EMA was mistakenly updated.

Support for Land Battle Flag Battle

  • A problem was discovered after DAY1 and before DAY2.
  • Consulted with each Land King and took the following actions -DAY1 result is unchanged -DAY2-DAY3 proceed as planned after correcting the effects of EMA.
  • The results of previous land battles and flag battles will be treated as confirmed results and will not be changed.


  • 10% of EMA points (PHY / INT / recovery) of EMA dedicated from UTC 4:05 on April 2nd to UTC 6:00 on August 18th will be added.
  • Compensation will be supported by August 23rd.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience.

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*The content of announcement is subject to change.

My Crypto Heroes

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