[system] Flag battle (May 15th add)

MCH | My Crypto Heroes
4 min readMar 22, 2019

(May 15th add)
・ Changed the time of “match schedule lottery”
・ Added the rule of “land flag”

We will explain the “flag battle” of the Land Battle.

  • The flag battle is a battle of 5 vs. 5 people, where the lands fight each other for the land flag.
  • The kings of each land pre-designate the lands that will challenge the battle.
  • During the 3-day event, the battle with the opponent land specified by each land is automatically executed.
  • 9 lands, a total of 9 flag battles will be held.

match schedule lottery

  • Flag battle “match schedule lottery” will be performed during the “grouping” period of “Knight battle5” DAY1. (May 15th update)
  • In “match schedule lottery”, the order of 9 times of flag battle is decided at random. (Flag battle 1–9)

Designation of the opposing land

  • The king of each land can change the designation of the opposing land until the flag battle “[DAY1] match schedule lottery”

Flag Battle Progress Schedule

  • After the “match schedule announced”, the team can be edited in the period until the start of each flag battle (1 — 9).
  • Teams can not be edited during the “flag battle execution” period.
  • Note that CE of heroes and extensions you add into the team for Knight battle will not be accumulated.
    (Only “Novice hero” was excluded from this rule)

flag battle rule

  • Only G5 Knights participate in the flag battle. You cannot change the members.
  • The flag battle is played with 5 vs 5 players.
  • Each battle is played with 1 vs 1 player.
  • The first player to compete in the battle is the first place for the achievement point.
  • If the 1st place loses, next, 2nd place, 3rd place, 4th place and 5th place will compete.
  • The player who won the battle will continue to play against the next opponent.
  • In that case, please be careful about the following rules.

・ HP does not recover
・ PHY / INT / AGI buff and debuff are reset
・ The abnormal condition (confusion / sleep / poison) are reset
・ Passive skill rules are as follows.

[Passive skills that are activated normally]
When this hero uses active skill/ at ~%…
— At the beginning of battle / at ~%…
— When this hero receives damage / at OO% of chance to…

[Passive skills only activated one during the whole flag battle]
When this heros HP is less than OO% for the first time…
— When the total HP of all allies is less than OO%….
— At the first time of death

  • If you defeat all 5 opponents of the opponent land, you will win the flag battle.
  • In the case of a draw in the battle, both the attack side and defense side will be replaced by the next player. (Mar.28th add)
  • If the 5th player of one land is draw, there is no player to replace, and the land is “lose” in the flag battle. (Mar.28th add)
  • If both lands are drawn by the 5th player, the flag battle is ”draw”. (Mar.28th add)
  • In all battles, the attacking land is the “attack”side.
  • There is no consumption of hero stamina by battle and acquisition of CE (Crypto Energy).
  • Earn 2 achievement points each time you win each flag battle.

Land Flag

  • When you win twice to the same Land in a row, you can deprive of a Flag that enemy has.
    — Flag battle will be held in the order determined by lottery in advance. (May 15th add)
    — The move of the land flag by 2 consecutive wins will be done immediately after each Flag battle. (May 15th add)
    — In the case of the flag game “draw” or “lose”, the two consecutive win count is reset.
    — Win count is also reset if you capture the opponent’s flag. (May 15th add)
    — If the opponent does not have the flag, the move of the flag does not occur even if two consecutive wins. In that case, the next win will be treated as two consecutive wins. (May 15th add)
    — Two consecutive wins are counted beyond the season.
  • Priority for the Flag is as followed.

(1) Your Land Flag( in case the enemy has )
(2) Other’s Land Flag(in case the enemy has )
(3) Enemy’s Land Flag

  • If you win a land flag for another land, that flag will also be art-editable.

— — — —
*The content of announcement is subject to change.

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