MCH Ecosystem ver 1.4.5(July 1st updated)

Shun Ishikawa
MCH | My Crypto Heroes
3 min readJun 28, 2019

We tried to adjust the ecosystem by increasing the value of Crypto Energy (EXP) with the CE revolution the other day. However, it was too strict to enjoy the feeling of progress and it had a negative effect on the gaming experience.

After we reverted the CE revolution back to the original state, most users were happy again because the feeling of progress came back. However, giving so much CE to users does not have a positive effect to the ecosystem. It leads to a decrease in value of CE and therefore users get less GUM for their CE.

Because MCH has more than 52,000 Unique Users with lots of active users who regularly mine nodes (=questing), the amount of CE and replica extensions from the nodes are too much. This creates too much supply of CE in the Lab, which causes the equilibrium to destabilize. Lab is the core of our ecosystem, but we admit it is impossible to balance the CE and GUM ecosystem by using the Lab only. The past few weeks proved this to us.

An ecosystem is never stagnant, and it must be continuously improved through various new ideas, functions, and policies. We will make all effort to make it better. We add and improve some functions and even remove other functions from time to time. And this time, it is the time to change a few things from the bottom to apply what we learned the last few weeks and months.

Given the current situation, which has quite changed since our initial release, we plan to make the following changes to the ecosystem.

July 1st updated

Update will be carried out sequentially within the next land season, beginning on 22nd July.

Here us a short summary of the new ecosystem.

①More items will be dropped from node!
In addition to CE and extensions, you can get other new items from node. (more infos TBA)

②Awake Cryptid
Cryptids will take the lab inside and evolve into “second mode” (The lab will be removed.) The role of “NIE” will be changed dramatically.

③Land will have more features!
Each land will have different characteristics.For example: Point conversion fee rate, Params effect, etc. (more TBA)

We are still discussing the details of each change and will release more information soon!

We will continue to add, modify, and adjust to maintain and expand our ecosystem.

Furthermore, we would like to share how we look at the game and the economy, so we’d like to add a personal comments from our producer Shun Ishikawa.

You raised your heroes and extensions from lv.1 with investing a lot of time. You create your own art and set it to your hero, you sell and buy yours, sometimes you give your asset as gift, sometimes you received from other who you don’t know. Sometimes you play with extension nicknames, sometimes you screamed at flag battle or duel cup games.

This kind of emotional connections, memories and histories is the core value of MCH and this is the potential behind blockchain games, and this is what I want to offer you.

Blockchain is here to forever store the passions, memories and histories — and your NFT is here to make it visible.

This is why I think you are the hero, because you create the value by yourself in My Crypto Heroes. And my main job is to save the value you create, and add more value to MCH NFTs and expand this ecosystem and community.

This update is not all what we have, it’s just the beginning.

We are moving forward to complete an ecosystem that will make life easier for more users, from beginners to advanced users.

My Crypto Heroes Producer Ishikawa

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※The content of announcement is subject to change.

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