[MCS]A brief guide book

MCH | My Crypto Heroes
4 min readDec 31, 2020

■What is My Crypto Saga?

My Crypto Saga is a mind card game that allows you to enjoy real time battles with 2 to 4 players. 10 “Kami-Cards” are organized, and with the power of strategy, skill, and luck, you can win over your rivals!
Kami-Power (KP) gained by winning battles will turn your Kami-Cards into “Shin-Card” with special abilities!
Shin-Cards can be freely traded between users.

Organize your deck and challenge the battle! There are also rewards for ranking winners.

■Gameplay Breakdown


When you log in to MCS, the first thing you need to do is organize your deck with “Cards”.

The card screen allows you to organize your deck template.
Tap a card in the card list to set it in your deck. Tap a card in the deck to remove it from the deck.

* The images are under development.

Organize your deck so that the Deck Cost (the total Number of cards in the deck) is 55 or less!
Deck Cost regulations will vary depending on the events held from time to time. In this Battle Beta Test, please organize your deck so that the Deck Cost is kept below 55.

MCS Guide 2: Battle TOP

Once your deck is organized, it’s time to battle!

From [Battle], you can participate in KP Battles, as well as view Rankings and Battle Log.

* The images are under development.


Tap the Battle button to find a match for a KP Battle.

* The “Start Matching” button will be disabled if your deck cost over.
* “Start Matching” will also be disabled if Battles are not currently being held.


You can view the ranking of the top 20 players. This ranking will be reset at 0:00 each day.
* Rewards for the Battle Beta Test will be determined by the final rankings of DAY 3.
Also, tapping on the name of a player will take you to the profile screen of that player.

Battle Log

You can view the last 30 battles in Battle Log. You can watch battles from any player’s perspective. If you find a hot battle, share it to SNS using the share button!

Waiting Room

Once a match has been made, your opponents will be gathered in the Waiting Room. In the Waiting Room, you can see the deck your opponent used in a previous battle.
You can change the cards in your deck in the
Waiting Room, but your opponent will not be able to see your changes.
When you are ready, press “Ready” and wait.

When everyone is ready, you will be transferred to the battle screen.

* As this is a beta version, you may see the above image, but please be patient.

MCS Guide 3: Battle

Battles are held with up to four players.
Enjoy the ultimate mind card battle and psyche-out your opponents!

About Battle

See the following article.

MCS Guide 4: Profile

In the profile screen, you can change your player name and view your Battle Log.

* The images are under development.

MCS Guide 5: Battle Beta Test will be held!

Play MCS and get Cp and CI for MCH!

For Battle Beta Test information, please see below.

If you have any problems during the Battle Beta Test, please contact the following dedicated Discord channel!
MCH Discord: 【en】s-user-supprot
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*Please note that contents are subject to change.

My Crypto Heroes

website : https://www.mycryptoheroes.net/
discord : https://discord.gg/C66hByB
twitter(JP) : @mycryptoheroes
twitter(EN) : @mycryptoheroes_

