My Crypto Heroes; Crypto Game from Japan!

Kokushi |MCH
MCH | My Crypto Heroes
4 min readNov 12, 2018

‘My Crypto Heroes’(MCH) is a HTML5 utilizing blockchain technology. Can be played without gas fee on smartphones and PC. Here is the quick overview.
But if you want to play anyway, jump into this page

1.Game Concept

In the near future…
Records of past Heroes have all vanished into the Crypto World. Unfortunately, Heroes were hidden and made weaker than it used to be by enemies.

It is your job as a MCH miner to dive into the depth of the Crypto World and fight with them and restore the heroes back to their finest or your ideal forms!

2.what you can do in MCH world

in MCH world, players can do these following;
・Collect, train Heroes and extensions(equipments) through battles.
・Create your original assets through naming another name to extensions or “Artedit” function.
・Fight with other players or enemy in various modes. Winner will get Land, extensions, Crypto-Energy(kind of exp), or title.
・Trading Heroes and extensions with other players at in-game Market.

3.Hero, Extension, Quest, Market,Land


Each hero has “Rarity”, “Status”, “LV”(Crypto Energy), “Stamina”
・Rarity: Legendary, Epic, Rare, Common, Uncommon
・LV: Level. Maximum level is different from each hero depending on Rarity
・Stamina: this will be consumed to challenge to battles. When the hero run out of his/her stamina, that hero can’t be sent to battle for a while.
・Status:HP(hit point), PHY(physical attack), INT(intelligence), AGI(agility), Active skill and Passive skill. Each status can be grown via “Art-edit” and Level-up.

⬆Image would be like this(level is not here)

For details of Artedit:


Extension is items which make Hero stronger. There are two categories for extensions, “Replica” and“Original”. Each of them has Rarity, Status, LV.

For details;


There are various modes in battles. Following modes are planning to be set after official launch regularly.
(PvE); “Node(kind of Dungeon)”
(PvP) ;“Knight battle”, “Flag battle”, ”Raid Boss battle”

For details;


There are 3 functions in Market. Shop,Trade,Lab.
Shop: You can purchase GUM( game user money) or Heroes.
Trade:You can trade your Heroes or Original extensions here.
Lab: You can get Crypto Energy(exp) when you burn your replica extensions.

for details



Player belong to each Land. There are some local nodes(dungeons) which generate specific-extensions. Player will be divided into two categories( Preciously, three), “Lord” and “Citizen”. Lord is the owner of the Land(each land has up to 10 Lord), Lord can earn many profits monopolistically. Almost all of players are classified as citizens, but some of them can be “Knight”. Knight plays a main role of Flag battle(which is the battle aimed for getting Land), and they can earn some profits according to their performance.

This mode will be set on early next year. Please check this article for roadmap:

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Hope you guys enjoy our game!


My Crypto Heroes

Play and follow MCH from here;

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twitter(EN) : @mycryptoheroes_

