<Battle Beta Cancelled>[MCS] My Crypto Saga Battle Beta Test Schedule

MCH | My Crypto Heroes
5 min readMay 30, 2020
“My Crypto Saga” Their souls awaken the gods to create the new world

Important Notice (*updated June 9th 2020)

After reviewing the content of the internal test today, we have decided that the game is not ready to be tested yet. We will cancel the battle beta test, which was initially planned to start tomorrow, and revisit core functions of the game.

We will announce the new schedule as soon as we are ready.

[Apology Letter] Cancellation of Battle Beta Test

We apologize to everyone who has been waiting for this beta test event.
Based on the internal play tests, we have decided to cancel the battle beta test of “My Crypto Saga” that was initially scheduled to begin tomorrow (June 10th).

The battle beta test was designed to help us balance the game and get early feedback from the community. It was meant to be a very minimal version of the actual game, but good enough to get meaningful test results.

After today’s test, however, we realized that the game is not at a state yet where it can deliver meaningful feedback to us.
In short: The game is just not fun yet.

For the next few weeks, we will revisit the core battle system and the game economy loop. Once we are excited about the experience, we will open the doors to get outside feedback.

I know many of you were excited to experience the new game and I want to apologize that you need to wait a little longer. We want to ask for your patience as we work to create a battle system for MCS that we can be proud of.

June 9th, MCS Team | Michael A.

Here’s what was recently announced

What is My Crypto Saga

My Crypto Saga (MCS) is a strategy battle game in which players gather a variety of “Kamis”, form teams, and fight.

MCS is the direct descendant of My Crypto Heroes (MCH) and will be very closely connect with MCH and it’s assets. MCS will play in a world of “gods” (=Kami in Japanese) and together with MCH Heroes, they will create a whole new world.

Their souls awaken the gods to create the new world

How the Battle Beta Test will work

The MCS Battle beta will take place inside MCH. To join the battle, you need to be a “Lord” of MCH, meaning you need to own at least one MCH land sector.

During the Battle beta, you can can take the new Kami for a spin, which are the main characters of MCS.
After the Battle beta, those Kami will be sold as NFTs in the first MCS Crowd Sale, scheduled for late June.

Starting from the Battle beta, you can bring your own MCH Hero NFT into MCS and equip your Kami with it.

During the Battle beta, we want to hear your opinions on the game’s core strategy battle. Specifically, we want to know: “Is this fun?”, “How easy is it to understand?”, “How can we make this better?”.

Once the Battle beta ended, we will share a survey to gather your feedback.

We are excited to create a next generation Blockchain Game, together with our community!

How to enter the Battle beta

  • You need to own at least one MCH Land Sector
  • Log into MCH and click on the banner on the MCH home screen
  • To be successfully redirected to the Battle beta, we check if your ETH wallet holds a Land Sector at that time

The Features of the Battle Beta

During the Battle beta test, you’ll be able to experience the current version of MCS battles:

  • The Battles will be “auto-battle” in a 3D map that also takes positioning and height into account
  • There will be 3 different Maps to test
  • You’ll be able to create teams of 5 Kami (characters), which is each equipped with a Soul (MCH Hero), and Devices (like extensions but a little different).
  • You can enter Arenas to test your strategies with the community


  • The main character in MCS
  • Each Kami comes with a unique skill and parameters


  • You can equip your own MCH Hero as a Soul
  • Each Kami can be equipped with one Soul
  • The Soul parameter values (HP/PHY/INT/AGI) equal the MCH parameter values

In order to use MCH Hero in MCS, it is necessary to transfer the NFT to the ETH Network.

Active Device

  • Each Kami can carry 2 Active Devices at maximum
  • Each Active Device comes with an Active Skill and Parameters

Counter Device

  • Each Kami has 1 Counter Device
  • As the name suggests, it has the effect of a Counter Skill, which is triggered once a certain condition is met.
  • Counter Devices also increase Parameters

Karma Device

  • Cannot be used in Battle Beta
  • Each Kami has 1 Counter Device
  • This is a special ability effect, more infos tba.

The detailed rules of the battle will be released separately from the start of the Battle β Test.

Since this is a Battle beta, the balance may be adjusted during the test period.


“Tomi” is a symbol of wealth in MCS.

In the Battle β test, you can have a test experience of betting on the battle.

The Battle Beta Schedule

Times are in [UTC]

June 10th (Wed)

  • 03:00 — Battle Beta test Start!

June 11th (Thu)

  • 03:00 — First Asset Update

June 12th (Fri)

  • 03:00 — Second Asset Update

June 14th (Sun)

  • 00:00 ~ 03:00 — Maintenance (The arena hosting function will be stopped.)
  • 03:00 ~ 05:00 — Trial Cup (A specific Trial Cup with prizes will be held!)

The Battle Beta Trial Cup

  • This is a PvP tournament held on the last day of the Battle Beta test
  • The event is open to all participants of the Battle beta.


  • We will reward participants and winners with an MCS Medal.
  • The MCS Medal reward can be used as MCH Extension and MCS Karma device.
The MCS Medal Rewards
Details about the trial cup will be announced separately.

*The contents are subject to change.

My Crypto Heroes

website : https://www.mycryptoheroes.net/
discord : https://discord.gg/C66hByB
twitter(JP) : @mycryptoheroes
twitter(EN) : @mycryptoheroes_

