[announcement] Compensation for problems in starting sales of heroes

MCH | My Crypto Heroes
1 min readDec 11, 2018

I will explain about the issue of hero sale occurred on December 11th below.

UTC 9:00

· Hero sales started. The purchase can not be executed at all.

UTC 9: 15

· Emergency maintenance started.
· Fixed a problem of hero sales.
· We announced maintenance end as “9: 45” and hero selling restart as “10: 00”.

UTC 9: 45

· Emergency maintenance finished.
·There were cases where hero could be purchased before 10:00. Some players bought some heroes.

Yang Guifei: 7
Keiji Maeda: 4
Archimedes: 9

UTC 9: 47

· Start maintenance again.

UTC 11: 00

· Maintenance finished.
· Hero sales started.

· Players who purchased a hero before 19:00 today can keep their own heroes purchased.

· At the restart of sales from 20:00, we restored the price of each hero to the start price.


Today December 11th, we distributed 100 GUM to all players as compensation.

We apologize for any inconvenience to everyone.

The purchase focused very much at this hero sale. We will review the sales system from the next time on.

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My Crypto Heroes

website : https://www.mycryptoheroes.net/
discord : https://discord.gg/C66hByB
twitter(JP) : @mycryptoheroes
twitter(EN) : @mycryptoheroes_

