Thoughts on Improving the MCH Ecosystem in 2020

Michael Arnold | akzent.eth
MCH | My Crypto Heroes
4 min readFeb 7, 2020

Purpose of this post

This community update should add transparency to our decision making processes and involve the asset holder community to share feedback and ideas before making a final decision.


In the MCH Discord, there was a larger discussion of the current MCH ecosystem, the asset values, and in general the future of MCH. There seems a general confusion about the role of MCH with Brave Frontier Heroes and MCH-S also being published by double Instead of replying on Discord to those concerns, we decided to create a Medium post as a better way to share our thoughts and ideas.


First of all, we want to thank every community member who raised their concerns and opened up to us publicly. We are treating the situation very seriously and are working on solutions with high urgency. The mantra of double is to look after the asset value of our NFT holders, so we will actively work on this while improving the game experience of MCH. To be more transparent with our processes, let me share what we're currently thinking about.

There are 2 primary focus areas for 2020:

  • Ecosystem Improvements
  • Land Improvements

Both updates have a big impact on the game and it's important we consider every possible influence before implementing them. The information below are in their idea stage and should be treated as such. This mean, all thoughts and plans are subject to change — and in fact will probably change a few times before we implement them. Please treat them as a basis for an ongoing discussion and to understand how we're thinking about the situation.

The Ecosystem Improvements — Our Thoughts:

  1. Players enjoy the Colosseum and we have lots of ideas to improve it. This includes improvement of timezones and tournament structure. We are also thinking about ecosystem experiments such as burning extensions to fuel the demand for (lower rarity) extensions and heroes — but be aware that those are just vague ideas at this stage. We will consider improvements in an active discussion with the asset holders.
  2. Players also like the new deep node (WP node) so we’re looking at ways to create regular nodes with the deep node design. We want to add more features that will stimulate the economy and add questing convenience.
  3. The current TOKU system is not perfect and we’re aware of this. We’re currently considering a better solution, so stay tuned.

Note: Feature ideas like burning original extensions need to be reviewed by our legal team before we can implement them. For example: “Burning” an original extensions for quests, which has a random probability of dropping an original extension in return, is considered as gambling in Japan.

The Land Improvements — Our Thoughts

One part of the vision of MCH is to give Lands the autonomy to affect the game and to participate in the game revenues. The we will add more features to land (owners) to create their own game modes and events.

The ideas:

  1. Future rewards will come from lands, where they “reinvest” their earnings into community events to create a sustainable ecosystem in the long run.
  2. MCH will still continue to exist after the launch of MCH-S. MCH will slowly move from a “developer led” game to a “community led” game.
  3. We will give more control and financial impact to land asset holders. This transition is a major focus for the second half of 2020.

How to Execute Those Improvements

We are continuously iterating on the Colosseum while finalizing our plans on how to improve the ecosystem sustainably. Additionally, we’re having a company off-site retreat to strategize not just about MCH but also about double jump’s entire strategy. We will share our discussions in another community update after the off-site.

In the meanwhile, let’s keep the brainstorming with the community going. In particular we want to know from you:

  • Ideas for deep nodes and how they can impact ecosystem and sustainability of the game
  • Ideas to improve the colosseum to turn more players into warriors and therefore add demand for extensions (and lower rarity heroes)

Thank you a lot for actively shaping MCH to what it is today. Let’s continue to grow the game together and define the future of (blockchain) gaming!

Message from our Producer RimoP:

Hello My Crypto Heroes players! This is RimoP, the My Crypto Heroes producer. In the future, we will deeply connect the MCH Management activity with the Player-community’s activity to expand MCH together. This player “co-development” will realize our 2nd year concept of “A Game by Players”.

In the long term, we will delegate some MCH management rights to Lands, aiming for the sustainable operation by Lands. The specific contents and features will be decided through discussion with Land Kings.

We will deploy our engineering resources to build the necessary functions within the appropriate timing. We continue to develop the game utilizing MCH's uniqueness (= Ecosystem including Farmer, Warrior, Merchant, and Artist).

At the same time, under the intensifying future competition of other blockchain games, we will develop a home (game) for our asset holders, so that players can come back anytime with a feeling relief. We continue to stabilize the systems, improve functions, develop new features, and adjust the game
balance. We hope that you will keep enjoying My Crypto Heroes more and more!

— — — —
※The content of announcement is subject to change.

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Michael Arnold | akzent.eth
MCH | My Crypto Heroes

web3 lead at Mighty Bear Games building @mighty-action-heroes, prev. @mycryptoheroes and @yieldguild