Win Bigly with Trump Commandments

Leadership secrets of the most powerful man in the world

MyCryptons Magazine
2 min readJun 21, 2018


Donald Trump is Winning! America is Winning! All of us are Winning! How does Mr. Trump win all the time? What are the leadership secrets of the most powerful man in the world?

We studied the bigglyest leaders of our time like Messrs. Hitler, Stalin and Putin and even Kim Jong-un. We discovered how Mr. Trump masterfully innovated on the most beautiful work of these leaders and updated their old methods for the modern, decentralized digital age.

So, go ahead and try them out! Your mom may not approve but you will get millions of devoted followers! We call them the Trump Commandments and you must follow them unflinchingly in order for them to work:

  1. Attack unfairly and mercilessly.
  2. Never take the high road. Everyone’s weakness is an opportunity
  3. Threats and compliments are free. Use them often
  4. Do as I say not as I do
  5. Treat people like sheep and they will baaaa. Slaughter and repeat
  6. Don’t study, plan or strategize. Be in the moment. Make people think you are a genius
  7. Trust is more important than truth. Be what you need to be to most people. Build your base and never forget to feed them (words are enough)
  8. Be the hustler. Hustle successes, take credit for others’ work and blame others for your failures. Coffee is for hustlers only
  9. Act half your age. Chase a lot of tail. Build confidence
  10. Have a conveniently short memory but claim to have the best memory ever
  11. Be braggadocious to the moon and play the victim at the same time
  12. Keep people guessing. Create drama. Ratings are everything
  13. Know it all and insist only you know it all
  14. Enrich yourself. You deserve it
  15. Be above the law
  16. Lie like there is no tomorrow
  17. Have an enormous ego and yes men all around
  18. Call black white and white black. Don’t let your conscience distract you
  19. Be the only savior. Use people’s fears
  20. Have a cult of personality
  21. Demand loyalty but fire quickly. Everyone has value until they don’t
The Donald Trump Crypton

