Women in Tech

The personal journey of two UX/UI designers at MyCujoo

Sara Chiricallo
3 min readAug 27, 2019


In July 2019, MyCujoo released the #shareyourgame campaign, telling the stories of four talented female football players. The campaign coincided with the end of the FIFA Women’s World Cup in France.

By highlighting their stories, MyCujoo reflected on the often difficult paths female footballers take to realise their dreams. When the final whistle at this year’s World Cup was blown, it didn’t take long for the spotlight shining on the women’s game to dim, and the struggle for opportunity, recognition, and support for female footballers around the world resumed.

The #shareyourgame campaign highlighted the spectacular achievements of sports women who show courage, dedication, and respect. These same qualities help the female members of the MyCujoo team to thrive at work and develop their careers.

Juliana Ciarlini and Cassia Tofano, both UX/UI designers who work in MyCujoo’s Lisbon office, explain what it’s like to work in tech as women.

Make your voice heard

Originally from Brazil, Cassia and Juliana moved to Portugal in search of better opportunities. Both were looking for a supportive and engaging professional environment where they could express their creativity as designers. They found what they were looking for at MyCujoo, a football streaming platform where football passion meets tech, and in their case, UI/UX design.

Cassia is a little shy but incredibly amusing. Juliana is friendly and energetic. Two different personalities linked by one common trait: a resolute mindset. This characteristic gives them self belief and allows them to go the extra mile to succeed in the male dominated industries of football and tech. Thanks to their tenacity and drive, Cassia and Juliana affirm themselves as women and designers. By having the capacity to focus on their goals, they bring determination and engagement in everything they do and are highly valued contributors in the UI/UX design team. They work in an environment where their voice is heard and they really have an impact on MyCujoo’s product design.

Cassia and Juliana are not only committed to showing their ability at work, but they’re both big players on the football pitch. They play for the MyCujoo Lisbon team every Monday and never miss a game. They’re motivators and inspire other women at MyCujoo. It doesn’t matter how skilful you are at football, it’s the taking part that counts, it’s important to play with complete freedom. The same message lies at the heart of MyCujoo: each and every football game and player, regardless of their experience, level, and skill, are welcome. At the end of the day, it’s all about having fun.

MyCujoo for women

Traditionally, tech, and design specifically, are a male-dominated industries.

Working at the intersection of technology and football, two traditionally male-dominated domains, MyCujoo strives to employ and empower and balance workforce regarding gender. Here, everyone is equal.

By working with a strong, young international team which maintains a culture of support and respect, Juliana and Cassia feel appreciated and valued at MyCujoo. Our organisation recognises their abilities as designers and the courage it takes to express their identity and individuality, and the creativity they bring to their daily work. They contribute to an environment in which these qualities are encouraged and harnessed.

The key? MyCujoo is made of genuine and open-minded people. We are establishing an international culture where different languages, backgrounds, and nationalities are welcomed. This synthesis enriches our product with fresh and original input. We believe in the power of diversity and we reward it.

Cassia and Juliana are two young women aspiring to develop personally and professionally by displaying determination and audacity. They know the path is long and there might be obstacles along the way, but they’re focused on their goals. This positive mindset is what they want to share with all women, not just in design, sport, or the tech industry but everywhere. In their words: find what works best for you and make things happen. Never doubt yourself and always believe in your own value.

Watch our games: mycujoo.tv

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#shareyourgame campaign

