This Dilbert comic strip

Daniel Herzig
Published in
4 min readJan 5, 2017

I am a smart man. Nobody is debating this, and if they were, they’d rue the day they’d have to debate me, because I am a smart man. How do I know I am a smart man? Because I understood this Dilbert comic strip.

Look at this comic strip. First, let’s discuss the colors. The background is green, which clearly stands for corporate greed. Yet notice how the gradient fades to white — could it stand for afterlife? Money is temporary, but even it fades away when presented with a higherpower. These are insights reserved for smart men like myself.

Beyond colors, this Dilbert comic strip is funny because the author clearly hates corporate bureaucracy. It’s stupid, and no one likes a dumb boss. Clearly the author is a smart guy who doesn’t like dumb bosses. Just look at that boss’s dumbass haircut. It’s funny because it looks like two independent piles of poop. What a dummy!

But beyond this comic strip, I admire the cartoonist himself, Scott Adams. His name is right there in between the funny pictures. This is a man who gets it. He’s smart, and he’ll tell you so. For example, his Wikipedia page says he’s a member of MENSA. That of course, is not to be confused with his affiliation with men’s rights, another issue he understands with full certainty. What a winner!

I realize I might take some heat for lumping women, children and the mentally handicapped in the same group. So I want to be perfectly clear. I’m not saying women are similar to either group. I’m saying that a man’s best strategy for dealing with each group is disturbingly similar. If he’s smart, he takes the path of least resistance most of the time, which involves considering the emotional realities of other people. A man only digs in for a good fight on the few issues that matter to him, and for which he has some chance of winning.

- Scott Adams, a smart man who just gets it

Scott isn’t afraid to question societal taboos. Scott’s the kind of guy that asks questions like “Why do we treat women with dignity. What if we were to not do that? Now some millennial PC police will get on Scott’s case and call him a “misogynist-asshole-dumbfuck-woman-hater” who is angry because his ex-wife got custody. But not me. I’m a smart man, and as a thinker I can’t fault Scott for asking for the tough questions. And if Scott had to choose, I’d like to think he’d choose me too.

Scott isn’t afraid to get bogged down in the morass of science either. The man is a trained hypnotist, which according to an episode of Grey’s Anatomy I just watched, is ALSO type of science. And Dr. Scott Adams just gave a double dosage of truth when he just p’wned these climate fools!

It’s a good question. Scott just wants to know people who think the climate prediction models are credible. Sure, maybe those liberal shills at Google may tell you that fucking EVERYONE worth their salt believes them, but Scott’s just asking questions man! It’s like when I helped chaperone a birthday party for my son’s deaf friend. All I wanted to know is if the kid could hear me if I called his party lame. It’s just a question, recycla-nerds! Don’t get your science panties in a bunch. I’m a smart guy, just like Scott.

And check out the sick persuasive ownage ol’ Scott dog uses here:

Another cogent point! How can you trust facts, when you don’t know the facts? When I was in school, I refused to learn basic mathematics because how am I supposed to know four times six equals twenty-four? Until someone teaches me math, I have no way of knowing if that’s right. It’s this kind of up-your-own-ass circular rhetoric that helps Scott write the funny cartoons with the libertarian dog.

This dog is wearing a funny hat!!

Anyways, this Dilbert comic is a funny picture for smart people. I respect the author, I respect the message, and I like how the bossman’s hair look like poop.


