Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2015


I don’t care!

My colleague hates me!!

Well, to tell the truth I don’t care at all! In fact I don’t have any clue why exactly she hates me. We don’t work together, we are just in the same department and we sit near each other. So, I really don’t care if she hates or loves me.

But it’s exciting and new for me that I don’t care! I wasn’t like this before. After graduating and at my first jobs, I died for being appreciated and loved by just everyone! I couldn’t bear other people’s hatred. I was a very loveable person (:-D) and I never encountered this situation before. But of course in workplace it was just different. Being a cute, nice and accomplished person at workplace doesn’t bring love to you. Maybe brings more hatred and Jealousy, but not love! In most of my jobs my salary and level was higher than almost every women and most men. Now it’s obvious for me why they hated me. Of course they did!

“I don’t care!” is one of the most important things I learned after lots of struggle. Now I’m happy and excited. It’s a relief and a new kind of freedom.

P.S. I know, I’m not good at writing in English. I read a lot and watch lots of movies and TV series in English, but I don’t have enough exercise in writing and speaking. So, I just want to give it a try. I hope I get better soon.

