Published in
1 min readMar 18, 2015



Today is last working day of this year in Iran. It’s a little different and somehow exciting. I’m thinking about last year, and get totally amazed about it. Lots of great things happened last year. This blog is one of them! Thank you Pejvak!

Thinking about my wishes for next year I wish a more peaceful world, less wars, less death, less hunger, less sad news. I wish health and happiness for all of us. I wish for a year full of hard work, and lots of success and achievements. I wish a year full of love for all of us.

A cute little Angel will come to our world next year! Sima will become a mom! I know her since we both were teenagers, I’m sure she will make the best mom any one could ever imagine! I wish lots of joy and happiness for her and Reza and their little family!

I’m sure Next year will be fantastic!

