Mydex CIC white paper — Unlocking the value of our data: the individual as the point of integration

Mydex CIC
Published in
1 min readJul 31, 2017

The value of our personal data is much higher than we have realised so far. It will form the backbone and the lifeblood of our use of the internet in years to come. But the way we currently deal with it is not working. The technology is here today, but the structure and the processes are not in place to reflect the opportunities in front of us. To realise the full value of our data, we can start with a few realistic, achievable changes that will begin to dissolve the gap between digital and real, and bring us into a new era of interaction between organisations and individuals.

Mydex CIC is proud to release our latest white paper ‘Unlocking the value of our data: the individual as the point of integration’ . To download the paper, click here.

Download ‘Unlocking the value of our data’ here

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