Top 4 Rookie Mistakes DFS Players Make

Published in
3 min readSep 4, 2018

Whether you are a neophyte when it comes to daily fantasy sports or a hero, it is always a good idea to hone and brush up your skills. So make sure before taking any further steps in your fantasy world, you go through this article. We, at MyDFS, specially made this article to help our community get better at fantasy sports.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the silly mistakes DFS players end up committing.

#1: Having Same Strategy For All Sports

There are countless number of sports out there in the market for you to choose from ranging from baseball to cricket to basketball to football to golf! The list goes on, my friend. And if you’re the kind of player who would play multiple sports at once, then the rookie mistake you would be committing is to follow same strategy for every sport. Imagine playing basketball like football, playing golf like football just because you have more knowledge about football. This is a totally wrong approach to play fantasy sports. Each sport must be approached with a unique fashion. Football should be played like football and basketball must be played like basketball. Try to have a different strategy sport-to-sport to enhance your winnings.

#2: Being A Sheep

The concept of being a ‘sheep’ isn’t just limited to fantasy sports but rather is quite pervasive. You can find ‘sheep’ in all industries. Sheep are people who always imitate others and take actions without using mind of their own. When this concept is applied to fantasy sports, make sure you don’t copy someone else’s line up. If everyone ends up having the same lineup, nobody would win anything because it would result into a tie. Try to bring in variation and diversity. Being a sheep never pays off. Only the players who are creative will win the most.

#3: Being Impulsive and Impatient

Given the dynamic nature of any sport, drafting your lineup well in advanced is just plain dense. If you draft your lineup four days ahead of the game, who knows which player gets injured in the span of those four days! Even though you can edit your lineups, but going back at it again and again will eat up your time. It is advised to not draft the final team until a day before, and who knows if even then you still end up editing it. Also, having an impulsive attitude may lead you to loss as you have more chances of missing out on subtle nuances of the match. The best practise to play fantasy sports is to play with calm and composure.

#4: Having A Narrow Mind

Sometimes players end up ignoring the crowd’s prediction, which is wrong. We don’t mean that the crowd is always right but benefit of doubt has to be given to intelligence of so many people. Even if you don’t go by the crowd, it’s never bad to consider what crowd has to say. After all, nobody can predict future. Everyone eventually has to rely on actual gameplay. But being stubborn about your own point of view about a particular thing may not take you far. It’s always best to keep your mind open to all kinds of ideas pertaining to your drafted team. Who knows an erratic change may win you thousands of dollars.

With this we sum up our list. We hope that next time while playing, you will keep these tips in mind. We wish you all the luck and skills which are required to win maximum prize!

Happy Playing.

