Binance Smart Chain and Binance Bridge now available in MEW wallet app on Android

MEW Publications
Published in
3 min readJul 27, 2021

MEW has been around since 2015 as the original Ethereum wallet while our MEW wallet app, released in early 2020, has already proven itself as one of the most intuitive and secure ways to onboard and interact with Ethereum on mobile. Today, in the biggest update since MEW wallet app’s launch, we are expanding the functionality of the mobile wallet beyond Ethereum to multiple blockchains.

We are excited to introduce Binance Bridge and Binance Smart Chain transactions, swaps, and DApps in MEW wallet for Android!

In the beginning of the year, the use of DeFi and DApps on Ethereum exploded, causing extreme network congestion and high gas prices. As users rushed to move funds, swap tokens, and interact with their DeFi holdings, they were frustrated by failing or stuck transactions, or even entirely priced out by the high fees.

As adoption of cryptocurrency grows, Ethereum must and will scale, but until Ethereum 2.0 is ready for release, scalability solutions like Binance Smart Chain help make DeFi more accessible and inclusive.

Full interaction with Binance Smart Chain on mobile

MEW began developing support for Binance Smart Chain and Binance Bridge through a grant from Binance’s Most Valuable Builder Accelerator (MVB) Program. Through close collaboration with the BSC team, MEW was able to build an optimal, all-in-one mobile experience for Binance Smart Chain users in MEW wallet app for Android.

Use Binance Smart Chain in MEW wallet app

Everything that you need is right in your wallet:

  • Buy BNB with a few clicks via our partner Simplex
  • Move funds from Ethereum to BSC and back using the Binance Bridge
  • Send transactions and swap tokens on BSC
  • Explore and interact with BSC DApps from the MEW wallet Browser
Binance Smart Chain on MEW wallet Android

There is no better way to interact with Binance Smart Chain than MEW wallet app, while remaining in full control of your funds and having the option to move back to Ethereum mainnet at any time.

The future of Ethereum, DeFi, and DApps is multi-chain. With Binance Smart Chain support, you can take advantage of all the benefits of Ethereum scalability on MEW wallet app right now. See our Help Center for a detailed guide on using Binance Smart Chain and Binance Bridge in MEW wallet app for Android.

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