Introducing MEW’s Ethereum Blockchain Explorer: EthVM Beta

MEW Publications
Published in
4 min readAug 24, 2020

Over the five years since its creation, MyEtherWallet has grown from a simple Ethereum wallet to a platform that supports pretty much anything a user might want to do on Ethereum — a wide range of methods of wallet access, all ERC20 tokens, contract interaction, swaps, DApps, and DeFi.

One of the best things about cryptocurrency is the transparency of transactions: anyone, anywhere, at any time can verify what is happening with their funds. For Ethereum, with its smart contract functionality, the availability of such information is especially important, and we thought it was time to build a great tool for exploring this data. We are excited to introduce EthVM Beta, MEW’s open-source Ethereum data processor and explorer.

Why blockchain explorers are important

Our users are the reason why MEW continues to grow and innovate, the reason why we make UI changes and create new features, and the reason why we connect with the most exciting and secure partners in the crypto space.

One of the places where we get the best understanding of user needs is in support. On a daily basis, our team answers hundreds of questions and reassures users with information that can be easily and quickly found via a blockchain explorer. What kind of information?

  • I sent tokens but I don’t see them in the wallet — where are they?
  • My balance is wrong, does that mean my funds are gone?
  • The addressee says they didn’t receive my funds, so what happened to them?
  • Did my transaction go through?
  • Why did my transaction fail?

Absolutely everything that happens on the Ethereum blockchain is reflected and can be traced on an Ethereum explorer. Most importantly, when it’s late at night and you get a scare because a wallet interface is showing you unexpected balances, a block explorer can tell you what’s really going on.

What’s different about EthVM

There are a few Ethereum explorers out there, Etherscan and Ethplorer being the most popular, but unlike them, EthVm is an open-source explorer. Why does this matter? Because it allows for transparency and collaboration, both with developers and users. We believe this will help us discover use cases and solutions that have not been addressed by blockchain explorers before.

Being more open for contribution and collaboration also means we have a chance to make EthVM the most user-friendly explorer. As with all other MEW products and services, we want EthVM to be easy to use, easy to understand, and easy to adapt to every user’s individual needs. Some features that users may find helpful:

  • EthVM does not separate ‘internal transactions’ and token transactions from the main transaction list, as Etherscan does, because this has often led to confusion about balances for our users
  • Convenient side-bar navigation highlighting the most frequently used features
  • Easy access to charts, viewable by time frames from one hour to one year
  • A clear display of ERC20 tokens and NFTs owned

Creating the best blockchain explorer together

EthVM is in Beta, which means that it’s still rough around the edges, but also that it’s the perfect time to give us your feedback and influence how the final product will look and function.

Over the next few weeks, as we are getting EthVM ready for a full release, your comments are very important. Bugs, interface glitches, navigation buttons, colors, and website copy — tell us about everything, so we can fix and improve it.

We are creating a tool for you, so help us make it what you need it to be! Look around EthVM to see what you like and what could use improvement; write to for bug reports and feature requests, tag EthVM on Twitter, join the EthVM subreddit, and go to Github for updates and to contribute.

Let’s create great things together,

Your MEWteam
MEW wallet
MEW team

