MEW Version 5.1: Introducing New Dashboard and NFT Manager!

MEW Publications
Published in
4 min readAug 6, 2019

Dear MEWfam!

It’s hard to believe, but it’s been nearly six months since the release of MEW V5! We are happy to say that we received a lot of great, constructive feedback from users, both through support channels and via social media. MEWteam extends a special thank you to everyone who participated in our MEW5 survey and Twitter polls — we appreciate you taking the time to help us improve our products.

Since February, we’ve been busy tweaking and adjusting details of the existing interface, while continuing to work on a new release, and today we are excited to introduce MEW V5.1!

New Dashboard

The MEW wallet dashboard, which was given a complete overhaul with MEW V5, continues to be the focal point of the interface. MEW V5.1 updates the dashboard to give quick access to the most frequently used features and integrations.

As soon as users access their wallet, they are greeted with a welcoming screen that gives an overview of available services. New buttons lead directly to the corresponding pages: Quick Send, Quick Swap for high-value pairs, and quick links to Top Dapps including the ENS Domain manager and the MakerDAO CDP portal.

Of course, buying ETH, whether for investment, trading, or gas fees, is another wallet service that needs to be readily accessible. To make the purchasing process more immediate, a link to buying ETH via Simplex is now placed in the top navigation menu, and can also be found in the new dynamic announcement carousel on the bottom right of the screen.

Finally, you may notice an entirely novel presence on the dashboard. Welcome the NFT Manager, featuring (what else?) a fiercely MEWsome CryptoKitty on the cover!

NFT Manager

Even if you are not familiar with the term ‘Non-Fungible Tokens’, you have certainly heard of their most successful representative so far — the CryptoKitty. So, what are they, exactly?

Fungible tokens on Ethereum are the ones that everyone is used to: they are built according to the ERC20 standard, and represent units of interchangeable value. In this sense, fungible tokens are like fiat currencies — one token is identical to another like two dollar bills, and they are divisible, making it possible to buy a half or a quarter.

Non-fungible tokens, on the other hand, adhere to the ERC721 standard and they are all unique. When compared to non-digital stores of value, they are more like certificates of ownership or one-off art pieces. An NFT is non-divisible: it is a single, unique thing, and must be bought, sold, or transferred as a whole.

Why are NFTs a big deal? They open up a whole new world of blockchain use cases. The concept of digital scarcity makes digital collectibles like CryptoKitties possible, and valuable. It can be applied anywhere unique ‘items’ are desired and purchased — from gaming to the arts.

Moreover, through NFTs, the blockchain can become a universal and secure way to manage documents related to identity, property ownership, health history, academic achievement, and much more.

The new NFT manager in MEW features CryptoKitties, CryptoFlowers, Gods Unchained, Etheremon, and Cryptant Crab, with many more to follow. As the NFT infrastructure grows, we will be working to make the MEW dashboard your one-stop destination to interact with all your unique tokens.

The MEW Connection

At MEW, we are determined to build not just a wallet interface, but a full Ethereum environment where users will have access to convenient wallet services, Dapps, blockchain information, educational materials, and a suite of complementary products in one comprehensive portal.

As a step toward this vision, MEW V5.1 introduces more ways to stay connected to the MEW ecosystem, with easy access from the dashboard. For example, you will see that we added a ‘Follow us on Twitter’ button below the token field.

MEW is a decentralized, client-side wallet that does not collect or manage any user data, so we do not have a newsletter and never emails users directly. The support team only responds by email to inquiries sent to We do not have a Telegram group or a support phone number.

Keeping communications restricted to verified profiles on mainstream media platforms helps us limit the vectors of phishing attacks on our users. At the moment, our Twitter channel is the main source of accurate and timely information about MEW products, developments, and alerts. With a link placed in the wallet dashboard, we hope to make more wallet users aware of this resource.

In addition, the new dynamic announcement carousel in the lower right displays links to featured products and services. We hope that the carousel will give more visibility to our awesome partners, help announce new integrations, and keep users aware of MEW updates and releases. Right now, the spotlight is on making ETH purchases with a credit card via Simplex, and the MEWconnect smartphone app. Going forward, new products such as the upcoming EthVM block explorer will make an appearance in this section.

Get back to us!

In the coming weeks, we’ll be looking forward to hearing feedback from our users, as we always do with new releases. An active and informed community is one of our main priorities, so get back to us and start a conversation! Take part in our Twitter polls and surveys, engage in discussions on Reddit, read and share our articles from MEWtopia, Medium, and the Knowledge Base.

Always yours,


