MEW Wallet Integrates Coinbase Pay

Onboarding into self-custody has never been easier

MEW Publications
3 min readNov 7, 2023


In crypto, we talk a lot about adoption. We talk about onboarding, onramping, lowering the barriers to entry, improving UX/UI, and making better educational content.

The truth is, as with any new endeavor, a person’s experience with crypto is a journey. There’s exploration, growth, and reflection, but the way it starts can strongly determine how it continues — or doesn’t.

Welcome to Crypto

For many crypto users in the US the beginning of their journey is Coinbase. Easy, safe, with a simple interface, and a clear statement of purpose, it is the onboarding experience the crypto-curious were looking for — over 100 million of them, and counting.

Some of these millions just wanted a little piece of the crypto pie, and are happy with what they have achieved on a custodial platform. Others are continuing their journey by getting educated about self-custody: what it means, why it matters in crypto, and how it can fit into their overall crypto strategy.

Level Up

Self-custodial wallets like MEW give users full control over assets, but also require a lot of responsibility and a willingness to do independent research. Crypto moves fast, and a self-custodial wallet which supports Ethereum and Layer 2s is often the only way to get access to exciting new projects or tokens.

Exploring web3 without limits is a great adventure, but it comes with its own challenges. For example, how do you get the crypto you want into your self-custodial wallet, since it’s not directly connected to a centralized exchange? Either you’d have to do KYC through an onboarding provider, which can take time, or send the assets from an exchange wallet account, which will cost some transaction fees.

The Big Win

What if, instead of increasing confusion, the separate pieces of the crypto journey lined up perfectly and complemented each other?

That’s what happens when a self-custodial wallet like MEW integrates a fast, secure, easy, and widely adopted payment option like Coinbase Pay.

The great start you got on Coinbase is serving you well on your continued crypto journey. Need some ETH for gas to play around with a new dApp? Just click a button and buy your ETH with your Coinbase account, deposited right into your MEW wallet app.

Heard about a token that can be used with a cool DeFi platform? Buy it with one click and head to the in-app browser. And if you ever want to swap these tokens, you can do that right in the app too, through MEW’s integrated DEX providers.

The easiest way to onramp into crypto

Overall, Coinbase Pay offers 100+ cryptocurrencies for purchase, accepting over 60 fiat currencies and multiple payment methods, including debit cards and bank accounts. Don’t have a Coinbase Pay account yet? No problem. You can create one right from MEW wallet app and use it across the ecosystem, everywhere Coinbase Pay is accepted.

In the crypto space, big centralized platforms like Coinbase can provide the much-needed structural security and stability, while self-custodial wallets like MEW expand the possibilities of crypto by giving access to dApps, games, tokens, NFTs, and new projects that pop up every day.

Self-custody means that you are the only one who has access to your crypto, and your decisions about it don’t require permission from anyone. There are no rules to follow, but also no guardrails to fence you in.

Which crypto journey are you on? The nice and steady, or the wild ride? Enjoy the best of both worlds with Coinbase Pay in MEW wallet. That’s how adoption happens.

