MEW’s 12 Days of Christmas Giving

MEW Publications
Published in
4 min readDec 13, 2019

The holiday season is drawing near, and whether you celebrate Christmas, New Year, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, Festivus, or any combination of the above — sometimes it can be challenging to get into the right spirit. Stressful holiday obligations, global pressures, and all kinds of ‘life stuff’ can get in the way of feeling the joy of the moment.

This season, MEW set out to help our team and our users find their warm holiday feels by launching the 12 Days of Christmas Giving! We think that taking the time to appreciate all the wonderful things in your life and to help out those who are less fortunate is a great way to celebrate.

The Gift of Crypto Adoption

We believe that donating crypto to a charity of your choice should be easy and inviting, but our research revealed that there are few comprehensive lists of organizations accepting crypto donations, and for those that do, the crypto option is not easily accessible from the main UI.

To figure out the details, we asked our team members to select a crypto accepting charity that they would like to support, and have MEW donate Ether on their behalf. As we make the donations, we will document the process — so you can easily follow along and make your own donation using the MEW interface, if you choose.

The way we see it, the crypto community is still quite small, but it is paving the way for the decentralization of financial and informational networks on a global scale. It’s not enough for person-to-person crypto payments to be convenient. If we want to encourage the development of decentralized governance and the emergence of blockchain use cases for social good, it should be easy for individuals to show support for initiatives of their choice with crypto donations.

If you’d like to get started right away, here is a list of organizations we found that take donations in Ether. (MEW has not looked into the background of these organizations nor does this list imply endorsement, so please do your research if you are considering a donation.)

If you know an organization that accepts crypto and that you have donated to in the past, please tell us all about it on Twitter using the tag #MEWgiving, or write directly to The more stories we can share, the more options other users will have for making their own donations!

The Dog Days of Christmas

In addition to following our #MEWgiving campaign on Twitter, you can also join us in giving some special love to our furry friends on Instagram with our #MEWholidaypups challenge.

As you may know, especially if you follow us on Instagram, MEW headquarters is a very dog-friendly workplace.

Starting today, we are calling on all dog owners in our community and beyond to photograph pets in their best holiday outfits and settings, and post on Instagram tagging @myetherwallet, using the challenge hashtag #MEWholidaypups, and tagging someone who you think should join in!

On the last day of the challenge, December 24th at noon, we will count the number of campaign hashtag uses, and MEW will donate that number in USD* (converted to ETH) to an Ether-accepting charity chosen by the author of the campaign post that collects the most likes!

All we want for Christmas…

is for more nonprofit organizations to include cryptocurrency in their standard donation options. Perhaps widespread acceptance of crypto in retail is still distant, but the ability to use crypto for good can go a long way to change the public image of cryptocurrency and to demonstrate the value of trustless, decentralized finance.

With hope and holiday cheer,

Your MEWteam

*MEW will make a donation based on the number of times the campaign hashtag is used, up to the amount of $1000.

