Use Enkrypt Web3 Wallet in Opera’s Dedicated Crypto Browser

MEW Publications
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2022

As interaction with web3 sites is becoming more popular and even necessary for a better web experience, users who are new to the decentralized space may still find onboarding difficult and confusing.

Wallet solutions need to keep up with the growth of web3 and the proliferation of networks that support decentralized applications. Getting a different extension for each network, trying to make it work with your browser, and writing down yet another secret recovery phrase is the kind of hassle most users (understandably) don’t want to deal with.

That’s why MEW created Enkrypt, a browser wallet that supports all Ethereum-compatible networks and Polkadot parachains, with more blockchains to be added soon. With a multi-chain wallet, users don’t need to install yet another extension and learn to use another interface every time they want to try something new on web3.

Now, users can also install Enkrypt in Opera Crypto, the only browser specifically designed for web3. Once installed, Enkrypt can be found in the Opera Wallet Selector, which gives users more options and flexibility when it comes to using decentralized web3 apps based on different networks.

Opera Crypto also features the Crypto Corner — a media hub that helps users discover interesting projects, stay up to date with the news, and learn about security on web3. From Crypto Corner, you can navigate directly to recent posts by popular crypto publications like MEW’s education portal MEWtopia and the Enkrypt blog.

Finally, if your preferred way to get crypto news is Discord or Telegram, they are built right into the browser — access them directly from the sidebar.

Whether Opera is your preferred browser already or you want to check out what a dedicated web3 browser feels like — download Opera Crypto, install Enkrypt from the Opera store and create (or import) a wallet to see it appear in Opera Crypto’s wallet selector when you access web3 sites.

