Learning to Live with Our Own Noise.

Accept that life isn’t meant to be perfect.

Dave Sellar
3 min readSep 2, 2020


Photo by @chairulfajar_ on Unsplash

We have to learn to live with our own noise.

What I mean by this is that we have to learn to accept the world for the way we’ve made it.

It’s easy to make excuses, to justify why you have or haven’t done something but the reality is that the reason we have what we have and we do what we do is because of the world we’ve created. We should be proud of that.

We often get so caught up in the idea of chasing perfection that we forget to stand still, look around and see all of the good we have around us. The good that we’ve nurtured and developed.

Our world and our noise are unique to us. The impact we have chosen to make on this world is the making of our own decisions.

We’re in complete control of what we have. Yes, there’s a compromise. If you want more money, you may sacrifice time and vice versa. The point is, we have a choice.

We have a choice to live the way we do, and that’s our decision to make.

“When we are no longer able to change a situation — we are challenged to change ourselves.” — Viktor E. Frankl

Growing Organically

It’s natural to feel like you’re not where you want to be. To think, in your mind you’d be in a different place by now or that you’re underachieving somehow, but life isn’t perfect. It’s not intended to be that way. If it were, we’d have been extinct long before now.

The idea that you’re not the person you set out to be (yet!) is a good thing. It’s what keeps us pushing forward, but we have to understand that perfection is unattainable.

To be the best version of ourselves with what we have available is the real goal.

When you first read that statement, it’s easy to think that I’m suggesting we settle. I get it, but I’m not.

I’m suggesting we strive for high standards in all areas of life, not just in business or education, but in our personal, family and home life. Look after your body and mind by eating properly, resting properly and by being active. Socialise with friends and live in the moment. Aim for a balance of meaningful tasks, coupled with those that bring high personal energy.

When we can do this regularly, we’ll start to notice something amazing happen. As we begin to develop in these areas of our life, we’ll grow as people. When we develop as people, we can naturally achieve previously unimaginable levels - Organically.

Decide to be the best you can be at everything you do, and enjoy living in the noise you create.

Final Thoughts

We’re so quick to put ourselves down. We compare our life to the life that we see of others, but no one is perfect. Life’s not intended to be that way.

Celebrate the struggles and ‘underachievement’ because this is what motivates us to change.

Use the power of choice and applaud what this means but above all, enjoy living in your own noise.

Thanks for reading,

— Dave

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Dave Sellar

A Virgo with a life long love of learning and personal development. Here to write about thoughts, ideas and anything else that has been keeping me up at night!