Customer Recall: Paving the way towards brand loyalty



Customer is the king! In today’s era holding onto your current customers is as important as drawing potential customers towards your brand. Recent studies have found out that a large chunk, i.e. around 70–75% of any business’s revenue is generated by its current customer base. Therefore retention of those customers would be one of the prime concerns of any business.

There are numerous ways of retention techniques that brands follow such as timely incentives which include right offer to the right person at the right time, sending out reminder campaigns which include reminders about existing loyalty points, wallet balance, coupons or abandoned items on the cart. One method would be a brand recall to the customer base, Targeting customers on events be it personal or generic, making them feel special & connected with the brand.

A few ways of Reminder campaigns would be:

1. Reminder for loyalty points: Cashback/loyalty points has become a new trend that customers look for wherever they go. Making them remind them about their existing points after a few days would be one of the best ideas to engage & reach out to your audience to call them back. A recall from the brand would create a buzz making the customers think of visiting & using those points again.

2. Wallet balance: E-wallet is one of the most lucrative offers for customer insights, as they can see direct benefit from that particular deal. For e.g. by paying Rs.2000 up front you get Rs.2500 in your wallet for a couple of days is seen as direct benefit by the customers. What they don’t keep in mind is the validity & updated balance for the same. Here when a brand reaches out & reminds about the existing benefit you can avail through your mode of communication, customers are tempted to visit or shop again.

3. Coupon Reminder: Similar to e-wallet, customer receive coupons as incentive or even buy booklets to get a benefit out of the deals offered. Generally these deals are kept in plain sight even though customers miss the chance of making the best out of it. Here keeping customer happy is by sending reminders of the deal they were interested in by popping up a coupon reminder through SMS, Whatsapp, Email or any other mode of communication.

4. Abandoned cart items: Generally while shopping online, customers are disturbed by various things. Getting them attracted to your online presence is a task, now why to let them go in midst of their shopping experience? Hereby a reminder needs to be sent to the customers, making them visit again & complete the process of buying their wish listed products.

Therefore, in today’s world retargeting & reminding customer is one of the best ways to keep your business up & running. Create pathways to an unforgettable business experience with eWards and build a strong base of loyal customers.

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