Meet the fun-loving, Inspirational Head

4 min readJun 7, 2021


Known as one of the most fun-loving and inspirational heads at eWards, we present the employee interview of the month- our very own Jagriti!

How would you describe your journey at eWards to date?

I would describe my journey to be quite miscellaneous. From joining as an intern to being interviewed initially for sales, it has been quite a journey. My interview was taken by Nikunj and he had high expectations, given the way I had spoken and presented myself. I was still in my college when I applied at eWards and based on my communication skills; I was recommended to go for sales. It was not an easy start. I did have my fair share of struggles and doubts, where I even considered switching to a different team, but I stayed on track and finally got my first closure. Even did client servicing to strengthen my skill set of maintaining client relations. Today, while I am a Regional Sales Head, my entire journey has been a good experience. One of the most enjoyable parts of my role has to be lead generation. I was one of the first ones to start making calls using leads, and today it has become a vital part of my role in the sales team. From mentoring and helping new faces with lead generation to making vital calls, my professional journey has been filled with good and miscellaneous experiences. Coming to my personal journey I’ve been around and watched a lot of faces come and go, and then I have also watched a lot of faces stay for a long time (Divya, Shanky). Everybody is like a family and that has played an important part in making my journey memorable at eWards.

Great! Coming to the next question-Your most memorable and least memorable experience at eWards.

In 2018, we were having our conference where sir was giving his speech in the closing session that talks about the vision of the company. It was during this speech when sir stated that if I had to ask anyone to become the CEO of the company that would be Jagriti. That was a memorable moment for me, the after-effects stayed for a couple of days (haha). What made this more memorable is the fact that sir does not usually talk about these matters a lot but hearing this from sir made it memorable.

The least memorable took place in 2019. Again conference, it was a head meet, and I was travelling. My flight was scheduled early in the morning and I had to reach the office directly after landing- sounds simple but then I missed the flight and then left everyone from sir, Nikunj, other heads and also the person managing my trip was upset- it was my least memorable moment one that I make sure never happens again.

Your favourite people till date?

1. First comes Radhika who has been my constant friend and closest colleague at eWards.

2. Then there’s my team who I believe is the perfect fit for me — Avani who has been my first team member ever and a helping hand, always going to be close to me. Ayushi for her sweetest soft-spoken nature (needed someone like this in the team too :P) and a special mention for Sneha who is my go-to team member for any work, at any time — always ready to help and take initiative with a smile.

3. Then there’s Vijay Sir for his constant support and MJ who has been a selfless aide and a close friend to me. Having a good rapport with someone in the finance department is quite beneficial (Take note).

Any suggestions for eWards?

Not too much, but since we have been switching between work from home and work from the office I believe we can have a proper balance between both that will help employees work efficiently. You see, we are all meeting our colleagues after a gap so it is natural to have some moments away from work, hence I believe we can find a good balance between both that will help all of us.

Any closing words:-

I have been around for a long time and I joined with good communication skills. The experience, exposure, support and lessons throughout the years have helped me develop more skills and become a well-rounded person. Working with mentors like Sir & Nikunj, I only hope to get better at what I do. eWards has been like my family where every addition gets quality opportunities to grow as individuals and contribute towards the growth of the company.



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