Retailer’s Roadmap to Festive Prosperity

Published in
3 min readOct 7, 2023

Be ready for a season of unexpected sales, Retailers!

As retailers, we understand that the festive season goes beyond festivities; it’s marked by the shopping craze that follows! Dive into these insights backed by data to enhance your festive strategy.

  • Average spend during the festive season? Over INR 10,000!
  • Hot picks for festive purchases? Clothing, jewellery, electronics, and home decor!
  • Online shopping dominance? Expected to soar above 50% in 2023!

Now that we’re armed with these insights, let’s formulate a strategy that’s as engaging as an expertly crafted marketing campaign.

Let’s Craft a Retail Strategy for this Festive Season:

1. Segmentation Mastery: Segmenting your customer base is essential for personalized campaigns, boosting customer engagement, and increasing sales. An increase of approximately 10–15% in customer lifetime value is achievable.

2. Omnichannel Magic: In the digital era, customers demand a unified experience across channels, leading to a remarkable 30% higher lifetime value for those who shop across multiple channels.

3. Personalization: Leverage CRM data to create personalized shopping experiences, with 66% of customers more likely to make a purchase from a company offering personalized recommendations.

4. Loyalty Programs: Implement and manage loyalty programs using CRM to reward customers and enhance their sense of importance, with a significant 77% expressing that loyalty programs make them feel valued.

5. Coupon Issuance: Utilize CRM to issue personalized coupons, with 67% of customers more likely to make a purchase if they have a coupon.

In essence, these points underscore the importance of data-driven marketing strategies during the festive season, highlighting the role of convenience, personalization, and omnichannel presence in successful retail campaigns.

Do you want to know how your store will be the go-to destination for festive fashion?

Let’s dive deeper into data insights!

  • In 2022, retail sales surged by 25% during the festive season.
  • Last year witnessed a 35% surge in online purchases during the Durga Puja period compared to the previous year.
  • According to a recent survey, 63% of Indian consumers plan to increase their spending during the upcoming festive season.

Five campaign ideas that will add excitement to your marketing strategy:

1. Festive Countdown: Create a daily buzz with exclusive offers in a countdown to the big day.

2. Flash Sales Fireworks: Ignite excitement with limited-time flash sales.

3. Loyalty Rewards Galore: Foster customer loyalty with discounts, coupons, or vouchers.

4. Tailored Marketing for Varied Regions: Customize campaigns based on geographical and demographic aspects.

5. Appealing Giveaways and Discounts: Offer complimentary gifts to enhance festive season sales.

eWards: Your Ultimate Retail Partner for an Exceptional Festive Season

Meet eWards, your trusted companion on this retail journey.

  • Get Data-Driven Insights: With eWards’ advanced data analytics tool, harness the power of trend identification, performance tracking, and growth potential discovery.
  • Insightful Countdowns: eWards’ CRM tool can design personalized countdown campaigns that align seamlessly with customer preferences.
  • Ignite Effective Flash Sales: Let eWards work its enchantment on flash sales, precisely targeting the right audience for maximum impact.
  • Reward Loyalty: With eWards, pamper your devoted shoppers with delightful festive incentives, ensuring their continued patronage.
  • Explore Our E-commerce App: Our user-friendly app simplifies online shopping, offering secure payments and an expanded digital presence. Elevate the online shopping experience.
  • Know Your Customers: Collect and analyze customer data to tailor marketing efforts and elevate their shopping journey.

Let the Symphony of Shopping Commence! Seize the opportunity to secure your front-row seat. Sign up for a free trial of eWards today and let the festivities begin!



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