Take a sneak peek into the journey of someone who makes a difference with a smile!

2 min readFeb 18, 2022


Known for her sincerity and composed approach when it comes to dealing with clients, her colleagues will agree about the fun-loving approach she has towards her work — meet the employee interview of the month — Sneha.

First off let’s start by getting to know more about Sneha and her journey at the organization:

Q. How long have you been working here? Tell us more about your role and your background?

I’ve been working for almost 3 years and the journey has been nothing short of roller coaster ride. I started as BD Executive, completely focused on generating leads and fixing meetings and then evolving into a new role of handling clients and marketing consultancy. It has been nothing short of a wonderful learning curve with a lot of growth (and potentially more growth!!)

Q. What do you like most about working in this company?

There’s a long list that I’ll need to pull out, to start off we’ll go back to the time when I heard about eWards — Shanky and Kanika had come to my college to give a presentation for eWards and I remember the line ‘You are your own CEO’ that attracted me to the prospect of working here. The entire part of taking responsibility and owning your work is what I love, it teaches you to be responsible. The work environment and people here are an added advantage they are like minded and helps in building a good work environment. Plus the founders — they are best you could ever ask for specially for how approachable they are & opportunities which come.

Q. What kind of suggestion do you have for the new joiners in the company?

For the new joiners I would say look out for the opportunities. There a lot of opportunities here and one needs to actively reach out and grab it. It will not get served to you but once it arrives make sure you go for it, there’s no limit to growth over here and your opinions are always heard, so you truly feel like your own CEO over here and become better at what you do.

Q. Finally, what sort of personality trait thrives most in the company?

There are several traits that help in thriving here, but what plays an important role are the sole traits of responsibility and ownership. There’s no one to monitor you but people are smart and skilled to understand their responsibilities, and actively take part in nurturing these traits. These traits in return helps in improving skills that are required to deal with clients and also builds a sense of confidence that helps in life too!! Keep up the dedication and opportunities for growth will start knocking on your door.



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