Breastfeeding vs Formula Feeding Is Not A Topic Of Fight

As a first time mother I died of Mom-Guilt almost everyday

Aditi K


Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

The universe seems to do its job correctly. It has blessed women with the gift of motherhood because it knows that moms are very courageous. But this world has become deeply cruel because it has now stereotyped moms into various categories. There are working moms, non-working moms, at-home moms, normal delivery moms, caesarean delivery moms, exclusive breastfeeding moms (ebf), mixed feeding moms, exclusive pumping moms, and formula feeding moms. Whichever category it is — being a new mom has been the most amazing and tiring experience, at least in my life.

Welcome to the world, little baby

With an elective c-section, you expect things after childbirth to be under your control. But life sometimes never goes how you plan it. I had read everything on breastfeeding, nap times, sleeping schedule and nursing positions during pregnancy time. But never did I ever create a backup plan. I thought once the baby was out, I could naturally feed. But sometimes it doesn’t work. Almost 12–15 per cent of women face lactation issues.

Strangely, nobody really talks about what to do if you cannot breastfeed.



Aditi K

Sharing candid moments with research based information!