Pandemic Is Almost Over. Are We Ready For The Future?

My First Experience With Green Parenting.

Aditi K


Photo by Evan Demicoli on Unsplash

Climate change is a real thing. Slow, but real. Pandemic had hit the economic, financial, and mental well-being of many societies. To be honest, the devastations due to climate change will hit even harder. And today’s modern parents need to learn the art of sustainability.

I am a firm believer that sustainability starts from home.

I am a development sector professional who is sensitive to using environmentally friendly stuff. Through my parenting practices, I try not to create more burden on any landfills. When I became a parent, I wanted to raise my child most sustainably. But for a long time, I struggled a lot.

Modern-day urban parents surround themselves with stuff that brings ease to their life. Those infinite items can make it hard for parents to become environment-friendly parents.

With heaps of disposable diapers and bottle feeding habits, I struggled to find my peace.

The disposable diapers alone are the 3rd largest items to be thrown in landfills and represent 30% of non-biodegradable waste.

Back to square one



Aditi K

Sharing candid moments with research based information!