Thank You Dear Stretch Marks

First time in my life I learned the art of accepting your true self

Aditi K


Photo by Stephen Olmo on Unsplash

Have you ever felt ashamed of wearing a dress or something were stretch marks on your body would peek out?

Teenage girls and stretch marks

I had entertained these pinkish-red uninvited guests at my place ever since I was fifteen. Sometimes they used to hide behind my knees and so I would say no to every short skirt back then. As time passed by the guests kept coming. The most embarrassing ones were the itchy cellulite lines on the shoulders and arms. After this, I restrained myself from wearing all the cut sleeves clothing. All those pretty teenage dresses were getting locked up.

The idea was to say a big NO to all those outfits which made me feel not so pretty “inside my head”.

As a young adult I was a super conscious human being.

I was so embarrassed because I had heard from everyone that these marks come on women’s bodies once they birth. For this depressing problem, my teenage brain was ready with a rescue plan. I decided to wear my elaborative winter clothing every day for the rest of my life. Full covered, no exposure!

The fierce age of twenties



Aditi K

Sharing candid moments with research based information!