Exercise #1 — April 11, 2018

Christy Wilson
I Used to be a Miserable F*cK
2 min readApr 13, 2018

I feel tired. It was a bit of a long, dull day at work. This makes me feel even more tired when I get home. I don’t know why a day of not doing much makes me feel so tired when I get home. Probably because I’m thinking of the things I want to do when I get home which makes me a bit antsy at work.

I did come home, make dinner, and worked on a few writing projects. I’ve been trying to journal daily but I’ve either avoided it or been busy and not done it since last week. So I worked on some specific prompts I was given. I’ve also decided to blog again about things I like (or maybe don’t like) — books, tv, movies, podcasts. I have several books I’ve read recently and not really reviewed, so I got a couple of those done as well.

Doing all that makes me feel like I’ve actually accomplished something today. Which helps make the tired I feel a “good tired.” Because I’ve been thinking for days about how I want to do these things, but have put them off because of other plans for the evening, or sheer laziness.

It also makes me feel good that I’m not obsessing over something or someone that just isn’t important enough to cause my brain to overload.

Finally, I feel like these feelings (accomplishments) seem a bit silly compared to some other things that others are writing.

Baby steps, I suppose. Because I’m sure I’ll have some anger (frustration might be a better word) as well as sadness to write about in the future.



Christy Wilson
I Used to be a Miserable F*cK

Mother, reader, musicer, legal asst, romantically challenged, hopelessly single. Disappointment to my mother who had high hopes for me. #GrizzNation member.