
I Used to be a Miserable F*cK
2 min readMay 13, 2019
Photo by Elijah O'Donnell on Unsplash

I have been struggling, to hold on to life and to the world as you know it. And it might be because I have always been isolated in a way, don’t get me wrong!

I am truly fascinated by the world, our way of life as humans, the power of our imagination and how we have built a reality around it. Nevertheless, I have to fight everyday to be myself, and myself is not an extra-ordinary thing. I shouldn’t need antidepressants to be calm and frauds telling me about ways of enlightenment in one form or another, no such thing exists. Everyone, should have a chance of being at peace without a bargain and this might just be my delusion.

The most beautiful thing about the universe is that despite all arguments, no rules exist. There are no right or wrongs, paths or ultimate point to reach. We are as we are, the way we are. The only thing we have is ourselves as small population of creatures we are in this universe. Then what are we trying to prove? Why should we be making or repeating the same Darwinian dynamics as the natural world in our imaginary existence and strip each other of peace and joy in life because it doesn’t fit with majority of us? Why should anyone do anything because of what society expects?

Well, there are a thousand reasons. But who cares? Guess that’s why I will insist on resisting even if stupid.



I Used to be a Miserable F*cK

Looking at reality and seeing absurdities everywhere, makes living fun I guess.