I write, where’s the money?

Rainer Mbongo
4 min readMay 24, 2018


Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

Writing is an art, but you don’t have to be Shakespeare. Writing every word, every line in perfect harmony. You just write,put that shit on paper. Write about dogs. How you go about brushing your teeth. How you felt weird going to the toilet with no tissue paper left. Write about your happy moments, Write about whatever that’s hanging on your mind. About what makes you happy or breaks your heart. I mean anything.

the dream(Le Rêve) -Picasso

Just write, there’s no perfection in writing like Picasso. He produced
very terrible, lame and depressing art and paintings but he’s by far one of the most important figure of the 20th-century art. So don’t go looking for perfection. We are not writing poetry, even if we are there are free verse poems.

But if you want to write that perfect picture, with every word, every vowel marrying each other. Then good luck with that.

I’m not being a buzzkill here, we all do enjoy well-written essays. But I just want people to write. Screw Perfection. Perfection will find you on the way.

I haven’t been writing for long. It's been just a few articles. So what the hell can I tell people about writing?

But wait I have been writing my whole life. Those lame essays through primary and High school. I have written about a ton of topics. So I’m a writer and you’ll listen to what I have to say.

So what's the process?

I have been always thinking about the day I’ll write that killer essay. I find a great topic to write about but I let it fizzle in my mind. I never had the discipline of putting something on paper. Up until shit happened to me. So don’t wait for motivation like me. Just put anything on paper. There’s no creative process.
We can go back to my previous article on Sol LeWitt’s Letter to Eva Hesse about the creative process and self-doubt. Eva was told to stop all that nonsense and just do what she had to do.

Type through every jargon and clutter in your mind then you’ll cross out your bullshit later.

Don’t romanticize or idealize writing it’s not rocket science.

Don’t think about what you are writing or what readers might think of you. This is not a perfect world. We sometimes have our worst days.

So one day your writing may be off the next you are Shakespeare. I’d say it comes in waves. So write. You never know when your next story will turn into a Macbeth.

So when you write a messed up essay, that’s fine.

We don’t give up living altogether just because of one bad day.

So however bad a day has been we always wake up the next day.


I often push people to read my stories. I mean, how would you know about me without reading what I write? I know most writers do that. Stuffing everyone you meet with links and book titles that you have written.

So what if they just don’t read?

This is actually the worst part. Pushing people around to read and they just don’t. This is 2018 people are busy slaying off on Instagram, others are busy envying and sharing memes on Facebook, while others just lusting on tinder.

But keep writing regardless.

What if they actually hate my writings?
This is the worst-case scenario. Pushing someone you’ve just met to actually read your essays and they find your writings boring AF? My sister, bro, you’ll become boring by association.

I know shit happens, but keep writing.


I haven’t been writing for long, but I have already gotten a handful, critics. Like,
TF, Ray, why do you write about such a thing and put on the internet?

No!dude that’s a fallacy. You are lying to all of us.

Yeah, that’s the best part of writing. So why fear your work being criticized I mean critics are paid to criticize. That’s their fucking job. So don’t take their daily bread away.
You write.

But bloggers are paid? Right.

Boy! Come slow, or Just give up already. Writers that made it didn’t do it for the money. Just write your shit till your shit comes together. Now, that’s when you can ask me

“ btw I am a blogger.Where’s the Money?”

And I’ll show you the money.



Rainer Mbongo

I am a Visual Communicator, a Hopeless Romantic, Introvert, Writer, Procrastinator, 😂 and other stuff you can’t impress girls with. Coder XgamingServer