Fix Me, Free Me!

MyHabeats Blog
Published in
1 min readJan 16, 2019

Taken from the book ‘The Diet Trap’, enjoy your reading!

“You will have feelings you don’t want to have. You’ll have thoughts you don’t want to have. That’s part of the deal. We humans get this amazing chance to live a vital satisfying life, but the trade-off is that we hurt sometimes, we can’t have one without the other.

You may wonder what this has to do with weight loss. If weight loss is about fixing you inside (fixing your thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations and memories) that isn’t going to happen. There is no magical weight that will shield you from uncomfortable feelings. You can’t summon or banish an emotion on command. So if your weight loss efforts are primarily about fixing your emotions, that’s unlikely to work over the long term. Instead you will become trapped in an endless loop of trying to fix how you feel.”



MyHabeats Blog

MyHabeats is a smartphone application helping people adopt healthy eating behaviors.