22 Minutes Of Exercise A Day To Prevent Heart Failure

Elena von Rosenberg
Published in
2 min readJun 12, 2023
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Lessen the risk of developing diabetes
  • Maintain healthy body weight
  • Reduce inflammation throughout the body
  • It improves the muscles’ ability to use oxygen, so the heart has to work less hard
  • Reduces stress hormones that can affect the heart negatively
  • It lowers blood pressure acting like a beta blocker
  • Increases high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or “good” cholesterol and helps control triglycerides

Many people know this already, but they are still currently inactive. Being active often seems like too big of a task to achieve.

We know from research very little is still very effective in contributing to your health positively. A study has shown as little as 22 minutes per day of moderate exercise can prevent over 60 per cent of heart failures. The faster you move, the better the effect.

The other effect exercise has is it makes your heart happy; getting out of the house will often lend a new perspective to troubles or serve as a much-needed distraction. These are effects you can immediately feel. Humans thrive on short-term rewards.

Be mindful when exercising

Pay attention to the positives that surround you when you are out. The sun on your skin, the wind in your hair, beautiful plants or a bird’s song.

Motivate yourself with these short-term benefits. If you learn to pay attention to them you will develop gratitude. This can lead to a very different attitude towards exercise.

Exercise must be enjoyable to be sustainable, and learning to enjoy it can be much simpler than you think.

Maybe a 22 minute walk would be great for your heart? Too busy? You would have 23 hours and 38 minutes left for everything else.

Originally published at https://www.myhealthscript.com on June 12, 2023.

