Celebrate MYKEY 1st Anniversary: Win Anniversary Medals and Deposit to Share Network Fees!

Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2020

Hi everyone,

On August 20, 2020, MYKEY has been officially launched for a year. To thank everyone for your trust and company, MYKEY launched two anniversary events. Deposit BTC to share $4000 Network Fee event and retain USDT or ETH tokens in the wallet to win MYKEY anniversary medal, including 20 special medals. For more details, please view the following content:

Event 1: Deposit BTC to share Network Fees

Event details

1. Participation Method: Enable a bitcoin account and deposit any bitcoin assets in MYKEY [wallet] or MYKEY [Invest] to share the airdrop of $1,000 Network Fee per week. The event will last for 4 weeks.

2. Snapshot Method: Take snapshots at random times every week, and distribute them according to the proportion of BTC held by users.

3. Event Period: August 21, 2020, 14:00 — September 17, 2020, 14:00(UTC+8). The first phase is from August 21 to August 27(UTC+8), the second phase is from August 28 to September 3, the third phase is from September 4 to September 10(UTC+8), and the fourth phase is from September 11 to September 17(UTC+8), a total of four phases.

4. Reward Distribution: Event rewards will be distributed at 14:00(UTC+8) every Friday (the first reward will be distributed at 14:00(UTC+8) on August 28), which will be automatically distributed to your account.

Event 2: Deposit tokens to draw MYKEY anniversary medal

Event details

1. Introduction of Anniversary Medal: MYKEY 1st Anniversary Medals are divided into special & ordinary. This anniversary medal is a limited edition. Each winning user can only get a Medal. A total of 820 MYKEY 1st Anniversary Medals will be distributed. The first 20 medals will have a special style, and the medals after the 21st will have a normal style. The medal numbers got by users are randomly generated.

2. Participation Method: Complete any task to get the chance to win the MYKEY anniversary medal, and users who complete two tasks will double the winning probability.

Task 1. Snapshots at random times during the event, the balance of the user’s MYKEY [wallet] and the total ETH deposited in MYKEY [Invest] (including HashKey hub, Firstpool, FBG One) reached [0.5ETH]

Task 2. Snapshots at random times during the event, the balance of the user’s MYKEY [wallet] and the total USDT deposited in MYKEY [Invest] (including Compound, AAVE, Firstpool) reached [250 USDT]

3. Snapshot Method: MYKEY will take a random snapshot during the event. The lottery tickets will be distributed according to the assets deposited by users at the time of the snapshot. Details can be viewed from [Home] — [Task] in MYKEY.

4. Event Period: August 21, 14:00-August 31, 14:00(UTC+8)

5. Reward Distribution: The lottery will be held after 14:00(UTC+8) on August 31. The time for distributing the medal is determined by the Ethereum network. You can check the reward from [Home] — [Task] -[Collectible] in MYKEY.


MYKEY (mykey.org) is a smart wallet implemented on multiple public blockchains. It is dedicated to providing foundational infrastructure for the large-scale implementation of blockchains. Through cryptocurrency storage, trading, wealth management, gaming, and community, MYKEY constructs a one-stop digital life platform for its users. On MYKEY, users can gain free accounts as well as resources for internet usage. Users are also able to freeze and restore accounts when private keys get lost. MYKEY is also a building block of Web of Trust. Furthermore, in the context of Web 3.0, MYKEY turns data ownership back to users, protecting user privacy from the ground up.

About Us

KEY GROUP: https://keygroup.me/

MYKEY Web: https://mykey.org/

BIHU: https://bihu.com/people/1133973

Telegram: https://t.me/mykey_lab

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mykey_lab

Medium: https://medium.com/mykey-lab

Github: https://github.com/mykeylab

Youtube: MYKEY Laboratory

