Candles, Flowers, and Memories — All Souls’ Day

Clarissa Ashley Wiriadi
Published in
4 min readOct 30, 2020

November 2. The day we commemorate and reconcile with the ones who have passed. Although death is often associated with pain, sorrow, and grief, All Souls’ Day is a rather serene and merry celebration. Why? Because life is beautiful.

Life isn’t merely a black-and-white reel, it is vibrant, profound, and spirited. People commit to great lengths all throughout their lifetime in search of a purpose, one that exercises their strengths towards working for the better good, so that they could leave the earth a better place than when they arrived. During the journey, they wander to see nature’s sights and gifts, and go through a handful of challenges, relationships and heartbreak, hence why life is often described as roller coaster-like. You never know where it plans to take you.

It is important that we take a moment to look back and honor on the contributions and sacrifices that have been made by our deceased loved ones in influencing our own true selves, communities, and the world as we know it; that is whether we had the chance to personally get to know them or otherwise. Because their stories are worth treasuring, too.

To celebrate All Souls’ Day, we normally join our families in visiting the cemetery to clean and lay out various offerings around the tombstones of our loved ones. We stay at the location for the entirety of the day, praying the novena, catching up with relatives whom we have not seen in a long time until nightfall, and keep the candles lit until daybreak.

The case will not be the same for this years’ celebration. On September 13, the government announced that cemeteries are to be closed to avoid further COVID-19 spread, especially with the countries’ daily figures maintaining concerning 4-digit values consistently. But don’t be let down by this. There are ways you can still pay respect to your departed family members and friends safely.

You may not be able to physically reach out to your extended family members, or carry out a dedicated memorial at the final resting places of those you miss, but you can continue with the traditional rituals and activities All Souls’ Day is all about. We have made a little activities checklist to help make this years’ just as merry for you.

  • Put up framed photos of the family members and friends who have passed
  • Place lit candles and white bouquets around them
  • Express your prayers and gratitudes with your household
  • Hop into a family Zoom call when the feast begins
  • Or personally reach out to a specific family member you want to greet
  • Share stories of laughter and love with the ones you appreciate and miss
  • Find comfort in the presence of those you get to celebrate All Souls’ Day with

Tradition is not about the sequence of events that take place on a prominent date, it is about the values and principles that are exhibited through it. Spend this time to really feel the companionship of friends and family, deliver your thanks and gratitudes to them, and comfort one another in memory of your late loved ones.

Should you need help in gathering some goods, MyKuya offers both PaBili and Personal Shopper services — features that enable you to receive a helping hand from Kuya and Ate in collecting your desired items from the shopping centers around your area. Simply write down your preferred flower type from a florist shop of your choice, and possibly other home decor items you would like to have, before sending your note through to your assigned Partner. You will be able to track their shopping progress through the MyKuya App. Book a Kuya now!

Kuya and Ate understand that their help is extremely valuable during this tough time. Like real brothers and sisters, they are passionate about family and relationships and would like to extend their support to you the best they can, especially as we enter the holiday season this year.

The burdens that come with the current pandemic may be troublesome, but with an adaptive mindset and a positive outlook, we can still celebrate events and traditions that are of impassioned significance to our origins. Enjoy this upcoming All Souls’ Day finding a peace of mind in remembering your beloved family members and friends, and the memories they allowed you to experience. They would be delighted to see you truly appreciate the relationships you have built.

Whether you realize it or not, our identities are shaped by the passing down of family values and characters — or in the words of Disney Pixar’s Coco, “We’re all a part of those who came before.”

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