Random Acts Of Kindness

Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2019

Gibberish words. Messy paintings. Selfless actions.

It’s such a relief to find no meaning sometimes and let the inner child take over.

My heart grows self-doubt and comparisons when I’m too worried about myself. But take it through tiny selfless experiences, be it feeding dogs milk, complimenting random strangers, or surprising someone with a gift; and the heart expands like a hot air balloon.

I picked up running last year, and one of the things that gets me stoked about the community is how much we encourage each other. Go to any running event, and you’ll find people appreciate and uplift other runners. Recently, I was at an obstacle course run and the only way I finished it was with runners I didn’t know, lending a hand through hurdles, without me even asking.

From being taught to be wary of strangers, to opening up to a world of humans that selflessly add value to your life without expecting anything in return, the unlearning has been quite a journey. As a kid, I would never talk to anyone on the street, and now I just look for opportunities to strike conversations. Some days, a good conversation en-route work just makes for a happy start!

Sometimes it’s about starting where you are and not holding back when you have an opportunity to give. The tiny experiences definitely add up and come back in a different way, but if nothing else they find a happier and safer home in your heart. I remember when I was visiting Shanghai; being a vegetarian, everyone back home asked me, how did you even manage! And the truth is, despite being away from home, I was never left alone or unguided, thanks to strangers being truly kind and forthcoming.

So, ask yourself of all the goals you’ve achieved, have you done it all by yourself? Do you recall those people, known or unknown, who selflessly guided you through the process?

And when someone has been a part of your growth, and you’re immensely grateful but can’t give back to the same person, you have no option but to pay the gratitude forward and be that person to someone else.

So if ever life seems too harsh, try opening your heart a little, and do something selfless.

The heart will feel warmer and the world a little better.

