What is Microsoft CSP?

Garth Niblock
Published in
5 min readApr 24, 2017

Many customer conversations I am having these days are around what is CSP, what value does it bring to my business and how do I know who to choose as a CSP provider? Not to fear, MyMateTech’s guide to getting the most out of CSP is here.

At present many Microsoft customers are being asked to work with a Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) partner to consume Azure and other cloud services. The key to choosing your CSP provider does not need to be difficult.

Image courtesy of modernbiz.co.nz

What is CSP?

Cloud Solution Provider was launched by Microsoft in 2015 for customers to consume cloud software and services through Microsoft’s accredited partner network.

CSP in its most basic format allows customers to consume Microsoft public cloud subscriptions, such as Azure, Office365, Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) and Dynamics CRM Online.

Microsoft launched CSP to offer customers the ability to consume Cloud Services on a utility based billing model (Pay for what you use, I hear you say). CSP is transacted and billed through Microsoft CSP Partners. Giving the partners the ability to introduce value-added services.

What does CSP mean for my business?

With Microsoft upping the number of employees you need to have for an Enterprise Agreement to 500 (soon to be 750), CSP and Microsoft Online Subscription Program (MOSP) are the only two purchasing models that can be used. I won’t go into detail around MOSP but in short its Microsoft’s answer to AWS’s self-service model.

The value of CSP comes from the CSP Partner themselves and what they can provide to your business. They have been part of the Microsoft ecosystem for years and have built specialist practice areas and value added services around the key cloud services areas that can assist your business in getting the best out of Microsoft technologies.

The key advantages to CSP from a customer perspective are:

  1. Utility Based Billing — just like with your electricity bill, CSP allows you to pay in arrears once your consumption for the services is recorded — You only pay for what you use! Another advantage is around billing. It comes through your chosen CSP partner rather than 2 or 3 different invoices, from 2 or 3 different companies.
  2. No fixed contract — unlike the traditional world of IT (think about those 3–5 year contracts), with CSP you are not contracted to consume any amount of Azure each month. CSP also allows customers to move between CSP providers with ease. Say goodbye to poor service as CSP puts the power into a customer’s hands! It is worth noting that most CSP partners will ask for 30 day’s notice before you move.
  3. Value added Services — gone are the days of simply buying a license or a server and having to support yourself — you as a customer want value included at every stage and CSP partners can do this through a Managed Service element or wrap. Examples of this could include:
  • A design and deployment service for Azure resources
  • A migration service to move you from your current hosted exchange to Office 365

The advantages above gives businesses greater agility and flexibility from a licensing stand point but from a value stance working with the right CSP partner is where you will see even bigger benefits.

Image courtesy of ensim.com

How do I choose the right CSP partner?

As I mentioned at the start it’s an easy choice and there is no right or wrong answer.

Choosing your CSP partner is all about aligning yourself to a partner that can add value to what you purchase.

Let’s take Microsoft Azure as an example. It is a huge portfolio of products and services that can transform your business from where it is today. With an extensive portfolio comes a wider requirement for skills and expertise to get the most out of it.

One of the biggest issues around Azure at present is the skills gap and experience that your current team has. This is where a good CSP partner comes in.

It may be that you want to take advantage of Microsoft’s Azure SQL platform (I don’t blame you it’s cheaper than SQL as we know it today, scales easily and is highly available from the word go). However, with Azure SQL there are many nuances. This is where a CSP partner can work with you to assist with your project roadmap and could then offer a Managed Service to support your environment 24/7.

So, aligning yourself to a CSP partner that can support your short and long term goals as a business is the answer!

The value the CSP partner brings will come at a cost but weighing it up vs doing it yourself or hiring someone to do it for you is something you need to consider. Doing it yourself or hiring someone won’t put you in the best position — believe me I talk to customers daily and hiring true Azure talent is difficult as well as plenty of customers that go it alone and run in to plenty of difficulties as they start their Azure journey.

Image courtesy of memegenerator.net

Review with a view

With Microsoft retiring MPSA in favour of CSP I feel it’s important for all businesses to understand what value a CSP partner can bring to them.

The key for a CSP partner is making it easy for customers to consume Azure and not trying to be an expert across the entire CSP portfolio.

As an avid business and technology fan I believe CSP is a game changer for the majority. CSP partners must prove their expertise, delivery and support capabilities otherwise you as a customer will simply leave to another CSP partner (control is back in the customer’s hands)!

MyMateTech’s Conclusion

Microsoft licensing models have always been difficult to understand and now CSP is changing that.

With the ability to have a utility based billing model companies can try new things without the need for bags of capital — remember you only pay for what you use — there is no contract for the Cloud Services components owned by Microsoft.

CSP partners are key to your journey on the Cloud Services such as Azure. For that reason, I feel customers need to challenge a CSP partner to ensure they get the best from them.

CSP is not something you as a business should worry about as it’s a licensing model that allows you to consume the services you require. The key for you as a CSP customer is to ensure you can see value in what your CSP partner provides from a value-added service point of view.



Garth Niblock

Cloud Specialist at Microsoft - making the Microsoft Cloud simple