AI isn’t Magic, it’s Just a Computer…

Helge Skrivervik
Published in
6 min readJan 21, 2024


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The AI hype (more like AI hysteria these days) knows no limit. On the one hand, everyone and their grandmother are racing to implement AI in their business. On the other hand, the same everyone is worried about the consequences of AI. AI will soon dominate the world according to experts (and politicians) convened in Davos recently. Seriously, let’s get real. It’s just a computer.

According to the IMF chief — on stage in Davos, AI will increase productivity (good), increase global growth (good) and increase income everywhere (good). It will also increase polarization (dangerous), spread misinformation (even more dangerous) and take away jobs (bad now, good later). World leaders, experts, pundits and heads of AI companies all sing the same song. AI is great but must be reigned in, brought under control or very bad things will happen.

This is scary. Not the technology (AI), but the attitude. And the fact that all these influential people team up and sing the song Sam Altman (of OpenAI) composed last fall. Doesn’t it occur to them that he’s playing them like a fiddle? He can do that because he’s the only one of them with a real, deep understanding of the technology. The rest, Microsoft’s Nadella included, are buying the gospel and falling in step, scared to appear out of touch or among the ‘unenlightened’.

