Why You Don’t Need an AI Strategy

Helge Skrivervik
Published in
7 min readMar 20, 2024


Image © stock.adobe.com

If you’re in business and not investing in — or somehow using — AI, you’re missing out, losing touch with reality — according to thousands of headlines around the world — every week. Seriously — let’s do the math: If one (or even 10) percent are betting on AI and the rest is not, which group represents reality?

Of course AI will change the world. The lack of intelligence is a non-issue at this point, AI is just a name — and is changing the world as we speak. Lots of important changes that affect every one of us — sooner or later, probably sooner. But what’s the rush? OK, things are changing faster than ever before and the AI wave is beginning to feel like a digital tsunami. But while ‘digital’ is the name of the game and the enabler behind most big changes these days, the world is still analog.

People, buildings, cars, products, animals, farms, and so on — forever. Digital has ‘infected’ everything, mostly in good ways, but things in the real world still take time. And we — in particular those of us on the tech side, myself included — tend to underestimate the intertia, the ‘slowness of things’ as one of my professors used to say. 10 years ago I predicted — with great confidence — that autonomous cars were 3 years away, scoffing at the 30 years Moody’s (the credit-rating/analytics company) predicted. Today — 10 years later — the vehicles are here, but in a…

