Becky Brauer — The Passionate Entrepreneur

Celine Chen
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2018

For Becky, being active was always easy. What she struggled with was her diet habits. Being more concerned with her appearance rather than her actual health, she was often tired and would have large weight fluctuations. It took years, but eventually she learned that being healthy means discovering what she needed to feel her best. And this approach has helped her through the highs and lows of being the Director of Product Development at Freshprep, a Vancouver meal-kit startup.

“Don’t ever eliminate anything you truly love from your diet or lifestyle. Learn to balance it in a healthy way.”

If she’s had a week of unhealthy eating or over indulgence, she’ll sit down on a Sunday afternoon and plan out her meals for the next week. She’ll pick out 4 to 5 options and make sure that she has the ingredients for those meals on hand with a quick drop by the grocery store. When time is tight, she’ll prep the meals beforehand so everything is good to go.

On the fitness side, it took some time for Becky to something that works for her. She tried the gym, but couldn’t get a routine to stick. After some time, she discovered that she functional or competitive activities suited her better than pumping iron or running on a treadmill.

It was this realization that made it a lot easier to create a routine around team sports or activities with her husband and dog. It goes to show that physical activity can be different for everyone. It doesn’t have to be a set class or routine, something fun that gets you moving works just as well. At the end of the day, the most important thing is consistency.

Becky’s biggest health and wellness challenge right now? Feeling the need to be productive or active at all times. I’m sure many of us can relate. It simply isn’t a realistic expectation. We end up being less efficient, putting out poor quality work, and making more mistakes when we’re not rested. As Becky’s role is a combination of thinking creatively and solving problems, she definitely feels this setback. For now, she’s dedicated her weekends to a work-free zone — it’s her time to focus on her well-being and take it slow.

We admire how Becky has created a sustainable healthy lifestyle that she whole-heartedly loves. It’s the journey, not the destination. It might take time to find a groove that works for you and your body…but it pays off!

myMomentum is a community app inspiring you to make healthy choices each day with a bite-sized challenge. Earn rewards from our partners for every challenge you complete. For more info, check us out on our website, Instagram & Facebook.

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Celine Chen

UX/UI Designer & Community Manager @ myMomentum.