Denise Sabet — The Busy, Balanced Supermom

Celine Chen
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2018

Knowledge about health and wellness is only one part of the bigger picture. Being able to actually implement improvements into your daily life isn’t easy when your low on time and energy.

Denise understands this to a tee. As the Managing Director of a global brand consulting company, travelling around North America, Asia, and Europe for business meetings and a mother of two kids, she manages a lot on her plate. Yet, this doesn’t stop Denise from striking a great work-life balance: in her down time, she spends time with her husband, kids and friends by being active, sightseeing, watching movies or dining out. She also carves out some “me-time” to recharge by volunteering in the community or enjoying a great book.

I think we are all on a journey of health and wellness from the moment we come into existence. Throughout life we learn more about ourselves and our bodies, our natural tendencies and where we could use a little help. Sometimes we need to experience poor health to realize just how valuable true health is.

Growing up, Denise’s family was attuned to health and wellness. They were active, ate healthy, and called on alternative and modern medicines when needed. Her childhood helped shaped her choices of preferring healthy, active, and wellness-oriented options today, especially as health became more of a priority in her late 20s and early 30s. Juggling a demanding career, international travel while taking care of two young children is a big challenge.

Photo Credit: Priscilla Du Pree

We love how Denise infuses physical activity into her daily and weekly routine with a couple easy hacks. Aside from HIIT, spin and yoga classes, Denise loves getting active outdoors. There’s nothing like breathing and getting your heart rate up in fresh air and sunshine (…when Vancouver is sunny that is!).

She also finds ways to try and exercise with her kids, whether that be as simple as doing laps around the playground, a family bike ride or taking them on a run with her. The little ones also love to go to a trampoline park, and as an adult jumping and flipping around and laughing, it releases so many endorphins and melts away tension or nagging thoughts. It’s no CrossFit class, but it helps!

Health and wellness are the practical and mystical tools that allow us to make the most of the human experience. It is holistic — it encompasses body and mind, what is inside and out, and our constructive interpretation of all of those cues.

Denise’s Quick Tip:

To keep herself accountable, she schedules activities in her calendar to make sure it happens. This could include signing up for a yoga class or setting her alarm clock early with her gym bag backed to exercise. Once an activity is “booked” and everything is prepared ahead of time, she just has to “do” it, which takes a lot less willpower! Once you’ve committed to something, you’re less likely to opt out.

We admire how Denise tackles the challenges of balancing a busy work schedule that involves flying across the world, while making sure she nurtures her personal relationships with friends and family. A true superwoman!

myMomentum is a community app inspiring you to make healthy choices each day with a bite-sized challenge. Earn rewards from our partners for every challenge you complete. For more info, check us out on our Website, Instagram & Facebook.

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Celine Chen

UX/UI Designer & Community Manager @ myMomentum.