Why should you use a talent platform?

Asia Khakimova
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2019


The world of work is rapidly changing: technological progress has enabled new forms of work, with talent platforms responding to the new opportunities for labour market participation through diverse forms of work.

Although the role of online talent platforms has been subject to a great deal of debate, in principle, such platforms function as labour market intermediaries that connect labour demand and supply in a triangular work relationship.

What benefits platform has over an agency for hiring your next temp position?


Platforms are a faster way to find and contract freelancers and generally obtained faster turnaround times.

Hiring online requires mostly creating a position directly on the platform, in contrast to the multiple phone calls, meetings, and briefs required to get a project started with an agency.

It could take 6–8 weeks to hire a freelancer through an agency, whereas with a platform it only takes 2–4 days on average. Projects start faster due to a significant decrease of time for finding the right candidates.

Complexity of hiring.


Mostly, budgetary constraints are the determining factor in deciding whether to source work through a platform or to go to an agency.

In a dedicated experiment with platforms, sourcing has delivered 60–70% aggregate savings relative to conventional sourcing channels. For temporary work, the same work through platforms is only a third of the price.

The majority of the cost savings with platforms lay in the absence of overhead costs, which usually comprise 25–30% compared to traditional agencies.


There is greater numerical flexibility provided by platforms, for instance allowing companies to rapidly scale up and down project teams.

For example, Monday makes creating teams more flexible, as external resources are frequently needed to complete the work on time.

The platform is the go-to place whenever you need to get things done but were under-resourced in terms of available in-house employees or temporary workers.


Through mutual ratings for every job, employers and contractors can see each other’s references and choose whether to trust before engaging into a work relationship.

Ratings on both sides assure better quality and transparency for both parties in addition.


Platforms resolve payment issues when working with individual freelancers. Through their conventional channels for contracting temporary workers, payment is often delayed, incorrect or fails to go through at all.


Thus, while companies are still figuring out when to use what sourcing solution, platform sourcing is a rapidly growing phenomenon in a space where staffing agencies have traditionally been important players.

Monday is one of the fastest growing platforms to match freelancers to your open positions and augment your own workforce.

Give it a try at www.mymonday.co.

